Barb Techel – Nurturing Curator – How This Descriptive Expression Came to Be

A while back I updated the home page of my website along with the banner for my newsletter that shares the way in which I now describe myself in an overall way and that is as Nurturing Curator.

I’d not really shared that I’d done this, but just put it out there – sort of like when you open a new retail store and you have a “soft opening.” I was still playing with the positioning of where to place Nurturing Curator in the context of my other descriptions. But I believe I’ve finally landed on what feels right.

Here is the backstory:

It was a gentle nudge from a friend who encouraged me to give thought to something that would be more organic for me. I’d been using a descriptive word in part, that my friend uses for something she is passionate about. It was something she shared with me that came to her in an organic way and I could appreciate that. While it isn’t copyrighted and anyone can use this word I’d been using, I did appreciate her invitation to consider something that was just for me.

Though for a brief moment, I wasn’t sure I wanted to let go of this particular way in which I’d been describing myself. I also don’t really care for titles or labels as that can sometimes feel boxed in, but alas, it’s how we often understand who others are and what they are passionate about – so I was open to the idea of giving this more thought. 

It was about a day or two later that my friend reached out to me again sharing with me a dream she had. In it, an older woman mentor – not someone she knew in waking life – was talking about me and said, “Oh, she’s a lovely curator!” 

My friend looked up the meaning that she shared with me and means a keeper or custodian along with an older connection to someone who keeps things safe in order to heal (or “cure”) others. My friend said she thought of my cards and readings and how I draw from many different sources.

I was so touched when she shared this with me and the word curator resonated. Perhaps there was something more for me to explore here and I found myself excited about it!

As I allowed the word curator to simmer in my being it was a few days later that my heart landed on the word, nurturing, to add to the front of the word curator. While I love how Nurturing Curator describes all of who I am in my working life from facilitating readings and healing sessions for pets and people, to writing, creating animal art, and the animal-themed animal oracle cards I’ll release early next year, it really does encompass who I strive to be in all areas of my life. And this includes nurturing myself too. How often it is that we can forget that in order to bring our best selves to others and our work it’s important to take care of our needs also.

So I felt so honored to have been gifted this organic way of how this descriptive expression came to be through my friend’s dream and then my pondering it further to now say I am a Nurturing Curator. I also love how I can continue to expand into Nurturing Curator as there are endless possibilities and who knows where my heart will take me and land next!

And there you have it – like a Grand Opening after the soft opening! 



Book a private reading and healing session for you and your pet here or just for you here.