I sometimes find it intriguing how at times it seems I ‘miss’ things. But then perhaps, and what I really believe, is that I was meant to see something just at the time I did.
This morning is when such an occurrence happened. As I waited for the time to arrive to record my first interview with host, Lori Smashnuk Leduc of The Wiener Dog Lover’s podcast, to talk about my new book, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am, I was putt-sing around the house and doing some household chores. I then decided to clean out the birdbath and fill it with fresh water.
As I took the birdbath off the deck railing I glanced down and under the hydrangea tree I noticed the green leaves of the forget-me-not’s peeking their way out of hibernation.
I planted them last May in honor and memory of Gidget. She rests just a few feet away from them. At first, I wondered why I’d first noticed them today. Surely they were there before this, but I’d just not noticed.
But then I smiled. Of course, I noticed today. It was a nudge from Gidget cheering me on as I get ready to do the interview today. And how did I know? Because I felt a wave of emotion run through my entire body.
While there is always a tinge of sadness mixed in because I miss her sweet self, I also felt joy for the connection her and I still share. And so I welcome it all.
Thank you sweet, girl. I can’t wait to talk about you today with Lori and share it with others soon!