
On Being a Space Keeper

On Being a Space Keeper

There aren’t many days I miss my yoga practice, while meditation is something I will more easily skip. That is, if my mind has its way and it can be awfully convincing some mornings!

Today was such a day. I was thinking about my “to-do” list filled with fun things I want to accomplish as I moved through my yoga poses talking myself right into skipping meditation at the end.

As I listened to a new artist I’d not heard before as my music for my practice, Krishna Das, I couldn’t let go of the chanting music so soon and found myself so drawn to it, that meditation became more enticing toward the end of my practice.

As I settled onto my meditation cushion, I told myself I only had to meditate five minutes convincing myself that was at least something. My mind still battled me, wanting to jump right into my work, but the music wouldn’t let me go yet. So I sat. And then I heard in my mind, “this is the most important work you have to do today. The rest can wait and will get done. You are a keeper of space.”

I knew what that meant, “keeper of space.” I love the term “holding space” which for me means holding space for others so that they can move through their own process of figuring challenges out or discovering new things about themselves. I’m not always perfect at this, sometimes wanting to interject advice I think will help, but I too, am a work in progress.

But I enjoy using “holding space” as a facilitator when I teach SoulCollage(r) because I really believe that telling someone how they should or should do something or how they should think is of not always the best way. Being a guide who holds space for others to discover and uncover what is right for them is truly a joy to watch unfold when a person has a “light bulb” moment.

And as I thought more about this being a keeper of space, I realized too that it was the most important thing I would do today. Holding space, sitting in silence with my soul, praying for peace for our world, that energy then moves out into our troubled world.

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What Was Said Over Coffee the Other Day

What Was Said Over Coffee the Other Day

If you look close in the center of this photo, you will see a baby robin with beak wide open. While I know the little one is wanting food from Mama Robin, it also reminded me of a recent conversation and thus this photo takes on a new meaning for me.

Earlier this summer as I was walking through our local Farmers Market, a woman I’ve known since the launch of my first children’s book back in 2008, stopped me. “I have some feedback about your writing,” Karen said.

I said, “Oh, oh.”

Smiling she said, “No, it’s good. You welcome positive feedback don’t you?”

“Oh, of course, and now you’ve really peaked my curiosity.”

She said to contact her and we’d have coffee soon. Well, it took me two weeks to finally email her as I was busy with finishing the editing of my new book.

But we finally met for coffee recently. She sat across from me at the local cafe. I don’t know how old Karen is, but I’d say early to mid 70s. I got to know her through our Friends of the Library  that she is a member of and they are the group that sponsored my very first book launch years ago.

She is a kind, sweet, down to earth lady and I’ve always felt drawn to her.  I really had no idea what feedback she had for me, so I was eager to hear.

She referred to the post I wrote titled “Orlando. What Can I Do?” After that tragic, senseless shooting, and certainly not the first, but just another that we seem to be hearing on a daily basis, I was feeling helpless, like I know so many others were too.

But that day I decided to share what I truly believe—that we must begin to find peace in ourselves to try and heal this world. I truly believe that if we each take responsibility for our own “stuff” and work on healing and valuing ourselves that this will emit peace and joy and vibrate out into the world.

It felt vulnerable to share this because I feared others may say it is hokey or think I’m off my rocker. But clearly, nothing else is working – there has to be a better way. And it’s something I’ve felt for a long time, but have felt uneasy about voicing through my writing.

Karen told me that she’d been reading my blog posts and sensed a peace and serenity about me. She wants the same. She told me she feels helpless and how it just tears her up to see what is happening in our world. But something I said about beginning with ourselves made sense to her. She said she wants to begin working on that for herself.

I was moved to tears. What had felt vulnerable to me writing that post made me realize how more of us have to share our voice.  If my writing that post helped Karen, well it just may have helped someone else too.

It was a gift to hear this from Karen – that what I wrote helped her and she was taking it to heart. And just by doing so, she is in turn going to work on living more from a place of peace which will then affect someone else and a forward motion can continue.

And interestingly enough, this conversation seems to be repeating itself lately with different people I talk to. This gives me even more cause to stay away from listening to the news and centering my energy on living more from a peaceful place within.

Seeing baby Robin, beak open to the world, nestled in her own little space, it reminded me that we can each make a difference by beginning with ourselves and in our own homes.

As if she was saying but your lips (or beak!) to the wind and speak and live from the truth of who you are.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

“Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift.” The Rewards of Book Editing.

"Wisdom Found in the Pause - Joie's Gift." The Rewards of Book Editing.

Just as it began to storm this afternoon, I finished the editing of the printed version of my manuscript. My first task when I got it back from my editor recently was to go through and read the changes and accept or reject them. I also had to clean up some areas where more clarification was needed.

When that was done, I had the manuscript printed out at my local printers. You’d be amazed at looking at it on paper how you find mistakes you might not have otherwise on the computer. But that is what I’ve been working on this week. And now that task is complete. Next I will make the changes on my file in the computer.  I also came up with chapter titles as I edited the paper version. So now I will let those marinate in my mind and sleep on them for a few nights.

Lastly, I will write the Afterword. I’m sure that will begin to form words and begin to wake me the next few early mornings. That is typically what happens for me. But I’m looking forward to it and welcoming the writing of it.

The rewards of editing have been seeing it come closer to a finished product. And one of the nicest rewards was sitting on my over-sized wicker chair in my writing cottage with Miss Gidget nestled next to me. She has been wonderful moral support.


And today after I finished the paper edited version, I sat down and s-l-o-w-l-y ate a Ghirardelli dark chocolate and mint square. One must have a special treat when one has worked so hard!

Another reward is feeling more at peace with this book. The book cover is in the process of being designed which is exciting. I can’t wait to share it with you!

And lastly, I’m ready now more than ever to finally let this book go and out into the world to find its way. It’s been a long journey but one I’ve come to understand had to unfold as it did.

I hope you will stay tuned friends and join me in the celebration of the creative process!

 Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.