
Orlando. What Can I Do?


I told myself I wasn’t going to watch the news this morning. I knew of the Orlando tragedy yesterday, but not many details. Watching the news, I didn’t feel was going to help or change anything.

But I felt compelled to turn on Good Morning America this morning wanting to know more. As I sat at my vanity getting ready, I heard many voices sharing their accounts of what my mind can’t even begin to wrap itself around. I also heard what they were sharing about what each politician said, or didn’t say, or shouldn’t have said.

I started to cry. What can I do, I thought? I’m one small human sitting here in my home so tired of all the hate in the world. And tired is a light word really, because this feeling reaches deep into my bones and my heart as a deep ache of sadness. And it is brought to the surface when a tragedy such as this happens yet again. It’s as if I hold my breath, praying with all my heart that these painful events won’t happen again. Because when they do, I feel helpless.

I don’t know the answer. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I have to say how I feel. I have to do what I think is the right thing. I have to share my voice. Because I believe, that when we put positive energy out into the world it does make a difference. We need more to do the same.

And I turned to my Daily Word this morning after I turned off the news after a half hour because I could no longer listen. It was then that I had my answer of what I could do. I had to turn inward and do what I think will add a light to the world.

What really stuck out for me from reading Daily Word today was this:  “I am the voice of love, compassion, and respect.”

It became my prayer as I moved through my Yoga practice. As I held each pose I silently repeated, “Love. Compassion. Respect.” At the end of my practice I opened my hands like a lotus flower and deposited the words “Love, Compassion, and Respect” into them, then folding my hands inward to close the lotus flower capturing the words and actions we need to do which can heal the world. I then stretched my arms out in front of me until they were fully extended, I opened the flower once again and “let go.” Out into the world is my wish for Love, Compassion, and Respect to take a strong hold on each and everyone’s hearts.

Ending my practice, my hands folded in prayer I said out loud, “Namaste.” And I was moved to tears again. This…this is what we can each do…. we must do.


Nothing else has worked. We have to start at home, inside our own inner worlds. We have to find peace and light within ourselves. We have to begin with loving ourselves. Anyone who commits acts such as this recent tragedy cannot have love for himself to have done this.

I believe this with every fiber in my being that we must love ourselves to love another, have compassion and empathy for ourselves to have it for another, and to respect ourselves in order to respect those around us. And this means we have to all look inwardly and begin to work on our own stuff to begin to put these positive vibrations out into the world to help us all heal and find peace.

While I’m incredibly sad we are facing such a tragedy again, I’m grateful for the reminder of what is of utmost importance, and the work I need to yet do on myself so that I can vibrate more peace.

And this means I won’t be turning to the news for anymore updates, but instead turning to those that uplift and encourage me that love, compassion, and respect is the way. The only way. Because when I do, it’s when hope returns again, and peace resides within me.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

A Beautiful Gift from My Friend. Thankful for the Reminder.


I am so grateful for the wonderful friendships that I have. Today I had lunch with my friend, Shannon, who made this beautiful gift for me.

A message we all need to hear now and then. Not always an easy one, but one we must continually practice, and I’m thankful for the reminder.

It now resides in a special place on my table in my writing cottage, where I also practice yoga every morning where I will see it, as a daily sweet nudge to live in the present moment.

Thank you Shannon for this beautiful work of art from your heart and for a friendship that continues to blossom in new and sweet ways each day.

Smiling Buddha Dog. You Made My Heart Smile Just When I Needed it Most.

2014-03-06 15.10.57 eA big part of me is still struggling with the blog post I shared yesterday. I wanted to be honest and tell you this. It has weighed heavily on me since sharing Daisy’s story yesterday.

While I wanted to help Daisy by sharing her story to help raise medical funds, I realize how much it personally affects me. I’m a highly sensitive person so acts of violence are hard for me to hear, see, or read about. It is rare I will read stories of violence against animals, because it just cuts right through me.

I rarely watch the news either because of the negativity. It affects my psyche and has too much of a negative affect on me, so for my own health, I try to stay away from it as much as possible, as well as cruel things that happen to animals.

I may have likely not even come across Daisy’s story, but someone had personally sent it to me. It’s not the first one I’ve gotten sent to me and usually I won’t read them. While I’m not upset with the person who sent it, I realize again how stories like this affect me deeply.

It was also a reminder to me that I want my blog and Facebook page a place where people can come to for something positive to their day. While sharing Daisy’s story was positive in that I wanted to help her new owner raise some funds, unfortunately the comments that followed on Facebook really disturbed me.

Going through photos on my camera today, I found this photo I had taken of Gidget last week. It said to me that yes, peace and light is how I want to be in this world. I also believe that by being so it does spread that energy of vibration out into the universe affecting others in a positive way. I may never know who is affected in a good way from it, but I have faith it does.

I trust and know that Daisy will be fine and will get the help that she needs– with or without me. I also hope the very disturbed person who did what they did will get the help they need. But because these stories seem to swim in hatred, I can’t share them in the future. The issues around them are just so huge and it overwhelms me.

So while I’m not ignorant to what goes on in our world, I also know  there is much good that goes on too. That is what I want to share and be a part of.

I want to be Joyful Paws and continue to share all the amazing lessons our animals teach us. In doing so, I believe this will lead to less violence. I absolutely believe without a doubt that animals are here to teach us peace, compassion and understanding.  We have a long way to go at times, but I have hope we will get there.  And I want to continue to do my part in this way through my blog in sharing the good stories.

I have my smiling buddha dog, Gidget to remind me of that, as well as my sweet girl, Kylie too, who centers me when I need it most.