The Aviary Keeper

I finally framed this print I bought a few weeks ago from Deb of Vintage Sparrow Studios (you can find Deb on Instagram). I try to reuse frames I have and looked around Joyful Pause Cottage for what might be time to part with. Seeing a certificate on the wall, which I’d received from some training I did a few years ago, I realized how I’d evolved. The very thing I did the training for, which I’m glad I did, and am grateful for the life-changing experience, I realized I no longer needed validation to say I’d done that. So out came the certificate and in popped The Aviary Keeper print.

My love for birds has deepened over the past two years. I’ve always enjoyed them, but I think the fact I don’t have a dog right now, the birds have been welcome visitors and companions. So when I saw this print it really spoke to me.

While I’d found the frame, I still didn’t know where it was I would hang it. But I’ve been allowing it to find its due place in time instead of forcing it to happen.

Yesterday afternoon as I was doing my afternoon breathing session sitting on my meditation chair, the window open, the sounds of hummingbirds chittering, and looking at the vase of growing birch twigs I’ve been collecting, I knew at that moment exactly where that print belonged.

It seems so fitting to be in this spot! As I sit at my desk, writing this post, I look over, and I am able to view it from this angle too. Once winter comes and I need to turn my petite gas stove on to warm my cottage, I will have to find a new home for it, but I trust where it will go next will make itself known when it is time.

Such a simple act brought welcome reflection and a bundle of joy. It also reminds me of Tasha Tudor, one of my favorite mentors as you know, and her philosophy to always Take Joy, which is also a documentary about her life.

I think now that I’ve written this blog post and will now venture over to my art table I’ll have to play that documentary in the background as a way to simmer in more of the joy.

Hope you find and experience simple joys today too!

