The Sweetness of What Life Brings Begins with Us

This week two cards jumped out of the deck as I was shuffling — Hoatzin and Sugar Glider. I’d not heard of Hoatzin before though I am somewhat familiar with Sugar Glider.

Immediately what jumped out at me is that both cards are a pair of animals. This month we’ve certainly seen our share of two’s with the dates of 02/20/2020 and 02/22/2020 and the celebration of the day of love on February 14. Two is about balance, harmony, and duality.

Just as I write this post I glanced out my window to see a pair of wrens on the peanut feeder which is like a wink from the universe and confirmation of the pairs on the cards of hoatzin and sugar gliders. It’s interesting to note too that this is the first time I’ve ever seen two together feeding as I’ve only ever seen one on the feeder.

While it can be common to look at these pairs on the cards and the wrens I just saw and think it is about a relationship with another (which it can very well be), we can’t forget also that the first and most important relationship is to self.

To live in harmony with others we have to first be in harmony within ourselves. When we can find this balance it makes the sharing of life with others so much more enjoyable.

I’m being reminded of a card I pulled when I was in the process of integrating a dark night of the soul in 2018 and what my dog, Gidget was trying to help me with during that time. I’d reached a point where a big part of my healing had occurred when one morning I pulled the card Soul Mates from the deck Wisdom of the Oracle. The image is that of two penguins.

As I simmered in its meaning I understood it as Gidget and I had agreed to come together when we did as she stood lovingly by me and encouraged me to give voice to a painful wounding from childhood. This required a focused time of inner work on myself. She was the soul mate that was (and did) exactly that. Interesting to note also that Soul Mates is also about fostering personal growth as I went through one of my biggest transformations ever.

I had to do a little research about hoatzin because as I mentioned I’d not heard of this bird before. They are described as a chicken-like bird. They are the only bird with a digestive system of that of a cow and ferment the vegetation they eat which is huge amounts of foliage.

They are also referred to as a reptile bird, skunk bird, or stinkbird. This is because of the smell they give off because of what they eat and how it is digested. They have also been referred to as the ‘punk-rock’ bird because of their feathers that protrude straight out the top of their heads.

The sugar gliders can fly seamlessly through the air just like flying squirrels and are also quite adept at climbing trees. They love sugary foods and enjoy sap and nectar. The symbology connected with them is gentle, philosophical, adventurous and enjoy life on their own terms.

Linking this together with the importance of relationship to self first in order to be in harmony with others, I see this as how we have to be willing to be with those feelings and emotions in our lives that can feel toxic and drain us of our energy. We can’t possibly be one hundred percent there for another if we are swimming in our own gunk of emotions. When I think about the hoatzin and the only bird that ferments their vegetation, this is a great teaching for us to not rush through times that feel challenging and the importance of taking the time and being with what we are feeling and understanding the why of it.

Sugar glider then reminds us that this is where the sweetness of life lies. When we take the time to be gentle with ourselves as we process our emotions and struggles, we eventually come to a place of acceptance and understanding. From that place, we feel more confident in who we are, and we are willing to be more adventurous and stand in our power of living life the way we feel is best in alignment with who we are.

And from that more centered place of peace and knowing ourselves better, we attract into our lives the relationships that support and encourage us. 

Have a great week!



Cards from: The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle deck by Bernadette King

It is an honor to serve as an intuitive guide and oracle reader for women who wish to embark on an inner expedition and evolve into living in alignment with what matters most to their soul and live a more balanced, gracious and peaceful life. I’m happy to help so feel free to reach out or learn more by clicking on the banner.