Time to Break Out of the Cage and Sing Our Songs

This week it is Canary that is our animal guide.

It’s time to break out of that cage you perhaps have kept yourself in for far too long. It’s time to sing that song that has been wanting to burst forth from your heart. It’s the one that has been calling to you, consistently nudging at you, to let it out because it is the one of truth. It’s time to set it free.

The canary on the card sits on a flute. I played flute in high school. I no longer have mine, but now have a Native American flute which I pick up from time to time. There is something so soothing and haunting all at the same time about the sound that when I play it often brings me to this space that feels sacred and real.

It can feel scary to let our true selves be seen. But I find it symbolic in thinking about the haunting sound a flute can make—and how we live in this stage of angst and ‘what if’s’ if we don’t live from more of that true space within us. Isn’t it more difficult to hold our song in than to let it out? I’ve definitely realized, especially the last few years, that to let it out has set me free in ways I never even imagined for myself.

That is what Canary is inviting us to be with this week. How can we be who we are and in a way that feels safe? It’s little steps really. One note at a time. Being with others in a like-minded flock that supports us— that’s what helps us to spread our wings just a bit more and more each day.

At the beginning of 2019, I pulled an oracle card from The Spirit Animal Oracle deck for each month of the year. I did the same this year but with a different oracle deck. Each month the animal card I pulled serves as my guide and teaching for that particular time. When I looked back over 2019 and each animal that had presented itself over those twelve months I definitely saw the teachings and what I needed to work on, as well as, where I was being supported. It told a story of how my life unfolded that year.

It’s interesting to note that the canary was my card for December 2019. And in this New Year, I’ve been feeling the nudge to make a SoulCollage® card of canary. So I think not only is this message for all of you, it is for me too. So I best heed the advice. I do know that the canary is quite symbolic for me personally as I’m on the cusp of releasing my new book soon – and one that shares my journey of finally giving voice to a childhood wound that haunted me for twenty-five plus years.

While a small part of me can still feel a bit of fear around this, I’m more ready than I’ve ever been before. I’ve experienced what it feels like to have worked through what needed to be looked at and acknowledged. The freedom that has come with that has made it easier for me as I now embark on sharing my song with others.

We all have a special song to sing and it’s what brings so much beauty to this world. As I write this, in my mind’s eye I’m seeing a sky filled full of birds and in a wide variety of brilliant colors! Let’s light up the world like a rainbow, plus a multitude of colors we’ve never even imagined— and let’s listen to the melody of songs being sung by each of us —and know that this will transform us, heal us, and set us all free.



It is an honor to serve as an intuitive guide and oracle reader for women who wish to embark on an inner expedition and evolve into living in alignment with what matters most to their soul and live a more balanced, gracious and peaceful life. I’m happy to help so feel free to reach out or learn more by clicking on the banner.