WINNER of the 2020 RIO AWARD
The Rio Award profiles a dog who changed someone’s life in a profoundly positive way.
I’m Fine Just the Way I Am takes you on a deep, intimate, and powerful journey as Barbara Techel explores the significance of a painful, recurring vision that plagued her for over two decades. To do so, she must call upon every ounce of courage, faith, and commitment, or be swallowed by the depression and anxiety that has consumed her.
Like a metaphysical detective, Barbara employs a myriad of tools, each of which serves as a building block to self-knowledge and healing. She learns to tap into her intuition and the insight from oracle cards on a level she has never done before; she also examines her dreams and embraces the power of ceremony and life-enhancing breath work. Most importantly, perhaps, she learns to accept help from others and trust in the process, understanding that the turmoil in her life is truly happening for her, not to her.
As in her previous two memoirs, Barbara also draws on the profound teachings she received from animals—from a special needs dachshund who served as a reflection of the darkness and what needed to be healed, to a snake who helped her shed what she no longer needed, a wolf who encouraged her to keep her heart open, and a horse who empowered her to stand in her strengths.
All were integral to help Barbara transform her pain and accept it as both a gift and the path she was meant to walk in order to finally understand that she is worthy just as she is.
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What Others are Saying About I’m Fine Just the Way I Am
As author Barb Techel notes, the title for this book came unexpectedly from her beloved dog Gidget during an animal communication session. I remember the twinkle of humor entwined with a hint of prophecy that came with these words because I was the one facilitating the session. I had met and talked with Gidget several times before, and had often noted the similarity in energy between Barb and Gidget —both kind, loving and thoughtful; both curious and inquisitive, not only about the world but about their own deep selves; both insightful and wise — and spunky and sassy too.
This book is the culmination of their adventures together — Barb and Gidget supporting each other through painful memories and unsettling experiences, deepening in mutual understanding through the thrill of discovery, and awakening in sudden, heartfelt moments of joy. As she recounts their journey, Barb offers sound commentary on how to uncover forgotten aspects of our psyche, how to access the deep well of love within, and how to embrace the full spectrum of who we really are. In the end, it’s a lesson in healing and acceptance and reassurance, for as Gidget sagely notes — we are all fine, just the way we are.
~Dawn Baumann Brunke, Animal communicator and author of 7 books that explore the ways to learn from animals and deepen our connection with all life
Barbara’s well written new book takes you on a beautiful journey of self-awareness and self-discovery through the relationship she shares with her beloved dog, Gidget, a special needs dachshund. This inspirational memoir is sure to bring healing to all readers through Barbara’s courage to stand in the light and in the dark, as Gidget’s masterful teachings weave their way through her heart and soul.
~Tammy Billups, author of Soul Healing with our Animal Companions and Animal Soul Contracts
Barbara’s writing is bold, courageous, loving, and necessary as a means to heal not only our own hearts but the entire heart of the planet. Her book is a testament to the power of transparency and vulnerability, and how the human heart can be transformed over and over when we allow ourselves to fully live from love.
~Sage Lewis, author of Where Angels Play: Death and the Magic Beyond and JAVA: The True Story of a Shelter Dog Who Rescued a Woman, and producer of Jungle Jaguar: Drum Journey Experience
When we read another’s struggle, oftentimes we can relate, encouraging us to reflect on our own inner workings. Barbara guides us through her self-discovery using the help of her animal companion, Gidget, along with other alternative methods that open the door to her sacred wisdom. We consider animals our pets. She shows us they are much more, taking on our illness, our anxiety, and our confusion, mirroring our issues so we can learn how to change. This concept is profoundly powerful.
~Lynne Carol Austin, Healer, Artist, Author of Gull Soup and Ten of Swords
Barbara’s words are from the deepest heart, they share her personal story along with the truth of living life authentically and connected to spirit. I value her words and writing enormously, they illuminate a path that I have walked for many years. But I value Barbara’s journey and her sweetness as she loves life and all that it holds. Her book is a must-read for anyone seeking an inner connection and anyone who shares a love for animals and their powerful healing for each of us. It speaks the truth, in loving and very real ways. ~Marggie Hatala, RN, BSN, Reiki Master, CEOLD, author and reflective writing coach
In this heartfelt, wise, honest, and tender book, Barbara offers a vision of hard-won healing and wisdom through the love of a special needs dog. It’s an affirming message of hope and grace, reminding us of the tremendous teaching and love animals so generously offer.
~ Elizabeth Hunter Diamond, Professional Clairvoyant and Energy Healer
Barbara Techel recounts her insightful journey of surprising self-discovery, focusing on hope and healing. She shares the remarkable wisdom of the animal and human teachers who appeared when needed to help her recover from a deep childhood wound, making their wisdom accessible to us all.
~Jenny Pavlovic, author of 8 State Hurricane Kate: The Journey and Legacy of a Katrina Cattle Dog, and the Not Without My Dog Resource & Record Book
Barbara Techel’s passionate love for dogs is evident in her words. She has a deep respect for the animal world and how they are masterful teachers and healers along our path. Her raw and touching story shows how our lives can be forever changed by their presence.
~Suzanne Hanna, founder, and creator of The Wilderness Walk and Global Healing Collective