a dog’s purpose

Why I Went to See the Boycotted Dog Movie

Why I Went to See the Boycotted Dog Movie

I heard about, and read, the news regarding the boycotting of the movie, A Dog’s Purpose. Honestly, I didn’t watch the video as I don’t watch other videos of animals being abused and I wasn’t going to watch this one either. I’m not so sure that serves in a positive way to help animals.

I also have to be honest and say how disheartened I felt when I heard this video was going around and that a dog in the film had possibly been abused. I’d never, ever condone that type of behavior, and it makes me incredibly sad when animals are harmed and even killed because of humans.

But what also made me sad was that so many would now miss out on the message of the movie….because of some human that did (or didn’t, as I’m not so sure if there was a definite conclusion to this) something cruel and terrible.

I’ll admit that I was also a bit nervous that someone may see me at the theater yesterday and think bad of me being that I advocate for dogs in wheelchairs… and how could I then go see this movie?

But I followed my heart on this. I don’t know for sure what happened regarding that video — and I do have questions as to the validity of it. And if a dog was truly harmed or put in harms way that needs to be dealt with.

But I’m glad I went to see the movie. I thought about the author, Bruce Cameron, who wrote the book, and which the movie is made from. I believe with all my heart his intentions pure and good -to help us to see animals in the way in which we should, and the many gifts and teachings they bring to our lives.

The movie did not disappoint. It was simple in so many ways, but yet so deeply touching. Dog’s give of their whole selves to we humans, who have much to yet learn about unconditional love and compassion. They truly want us to “get it” and as Bailey does in the movie, he keeps coming back, in different dog bodies (and even as a female at one point to his dismay which was hilarious!), to serve and share the meaning of what life is all about….

To have fun and to be here now.

While this was a movie I wanted to see, and my birthday gift I finally got since there wasn’t anything playing (to my interest, at least) last July when it was my birthday, the message and gift of seeing this movie revealed itself on another level this morning.

John said to me with a bit of a frog in his throat, “Seeing that movie made me love our dogs even more.”

And this from Bruce Cameron’s facebook page that someone shared after seeing the movie, “The emotional impact left me stronger and even more appreciative of why we have dogs in our lives.”

Whoooosh, went my heart!  This is it…this is the message…and the magic…to love them as deeply as they love us, and extend that to our fellow human beings….

and why I’m so glad I went to see the movie that so many called for others to boycott.  I don’t regret it for one single moment.

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A Book to Lift Your Heart Review: A Dog’s Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron

I’m happy to recommend, A Dog’s Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron.

This is an interesting way to think about our own purpose in life through the comtemplation’s of one dog’s journey wondering about his purpose.

Read more about the book.

I hope you enjoy my video review!