animal oracles

Encounter with a Walking Stick and Its Animal Wisdom Offering

I remember as a kid seeing stick bugs (also referred to as walking sticks). Though I must say that as a child I was spooked by them. I suppose because when I leaned up against a tree and didn’t know there was a walking stick there, well, when it suddenly moved…that was scary.

To see one yesterday afternoon sitting on the side of our house I was reminded how long its been since I’ve encountered one. But this time I wasn’t scared, but rather delighted and intrigued once again the creatures we share this planet with.

Being I appreciate the wisdom of animals and have received so many gifts of teachings from them over the years, I couldn’t help wonder about their symbolism and what wisdom did walking stick have to guide me and others right now?

From Ted Andrews Animal-Wise book the keynote for stick bug is: activity beneath the surface.

Andrews goes on to share: Their appearance always indicates that there is activity around us beneath the surface that we may or may not be aware of. If we remain still, making no movement or commitment, the proper course of action will make itself known. The appearance of the stick bug is a reminder to be patient.

Stick bug reminds us to focus on our activities and ourselves. It is also an indication that meditation and prayer will bring much greater results and benefits right now. There is something in the offing, but we must be able to recognize it. This is where personal stillness – meditative and altered states of quietness – comes into play.

While there is more, Andrews reiterates in the last paragraph, this is a time to be patient. I felt this as significant right now not only for myself, but for many of us.

As I thought about the walking stick on the outside of my house – my home – and the fact it was a few inches from the outside water faucet, it was a reminder to continue to be with feelings and emotions (water a symbol of being with our emotions) of fear, which I’ve personally experienced on an intense level at times over the last few weeks. Perhaps you have too? Or are currently experiencing this?

When we feel fear how often we just want to wish it away or know the reason or answer for it in the very moment so the fear will subside and/or just go away. But walking stick was reminding me to “stick” with it (pun intended!). And that fear is truly an inside job – our inner home – the place where we need to examine with compassion, and also hold ourselves in compassion, while exploring our fears.

I’ve also been meditating and praying more often lately and that feels like a confirmation from walking stick to continue doing this. And to remain patient. That there isn’t anything to do, but rather just be with what is coming up and then allowing it to move through.

How often it is we seek activity on the outside (away from our inner selves) – as a way to distract ourselves from what our inside world is calling us to be with – and that inner work is just as important of an “activity” to our well being.

And walking stick reminds us that when we honor the inner activity of learning to just be with our fears, feelings, and emotions, that the best course of action to move forward will present itself when it is time.

Lastly, as I like to often do to add another layer of insight, I pulled an oracle card asking if there is anything else walking stick would like us to know.

From the Wisdom of the Oracle – the card – Higher Power.

I sense this as walking stick reaffirming the teaching of the importance of the inner work as a vital activity, and that when we do so through meditation, stillness, and listening deeply, we are much more able to tune into and connect with a higher power (God/Source/Universe – however you define it) which ultimately provides us the answers we seek that are for our highest good.

Thank you, walking stick!




The Sparrow and Spider with Some Timely Guidance

When I saw this sweet sparrow perched upon the hook outside my Joyful Pause Cottage studio, all fluffed out after taking a bath in the birdbath, I was surprised at how it didn’t seem in a hurry to fly off.

I sensed a message about to unfold as I sat in quiet observation, and contemplation of why Sparrow was right outside my window at this moment.

As I’ve currently been seeking clarity about something, I can still at times react from a place of fear and go into a protective shell, not wanting to explore what is being presented. I want to stay small. As if that will protect me from pain.

I thought about how Sparrow had just taken a bath – “naked” and out in the open elements – for anyone to see. Though Sparrow wasn’t hiding but rather appreciating the water to cleanse itself of debris and dirt that had accumulated. If they don’t do this their ability to fly will be hindered.

I understood this as a reflection that when difficult issues arise it’s a needed nudge to clear away the gunk that has built up in one’s life. The sticky stuff of life that can cause us to feel matted down and want to shrink away out of fear. In that place we can’t find clarity. Our wings of growth are stunted.

The freshly bathed sparrow sitting on that hook, the wind having plumped up its plumage, reminded me once again to see difficulty as an opportunity to a new way forward. Sparrow was reminding me too that in the challenging times of life, the importance of not hiding away, but remembering to incorporate those things that help one feel centered when one feels uncertain.

This is vitally necessary to see the path ahead and fly forward in a more confident way.

Thanks to that message from sparrow, I grew excited to do something to feed my soul. So, after a quick search on the internet, I grabbed my laptop and some water, and off I went to a park I’d never visited before.

And it was there, writing this post, that another creature came to provide me with a blessing. A small green spider that insisted on climbing on my leg to which I’d gently brush it off time and time again because it tickled.

But I welcomed that message too and reflected on Spider and the message of Rebirth:

“Like a helpful friend, Spider sits beside you lovingly and patiently, and encourages you to stay the course. It may be helpful to see Spider like Charlotte in the book, “Charlotte’s Web” – compassionate and holding you in complete love and understanding as you move through intense feelings.

Spider is here to assure you those long-held wounds you bravely face and heal will ultimately set you free. You are the one who chooses the web you wish to create. The past, once given voice, becomes a beautiful exchange gifting you with a rebirth and unlimited possibilities as you move forward to sing your authentic song with confidence and joy.”

Excerpt from Animal Reflections Healing Oracle by Barbara Techel




NEW! Etsy Shop Coming Soon!

Expanding my love of animals and oracles over the past eighteen months inside Joyful Pause Cottage I’ve been happy as a bear dipping her paw into a jar of honey!

So what does this expansion entail you ask? Well, I’m so glad you asked!

In one simple word: ART!

Another hint: I’ve combined my love of writing and collage and incorporated paint, gel pens, pastel chalks, paper, and dried flowers that surround Joyful Pause Cottage (and some found on my daily walks) and created what I’m calling:


I’ll be releasing my Animal Oracle Art and more of what it’s all about to email subscribers of “Letters From My Heart” first and then here on my blog and social media…(if you wish to be the first to know you can subscribe here:

I hope you will stay tuned! I’m so excited to share this with you!

