animal wisdom tarot

Morning Wisdom from Rabbit

morning wisdom from rabbit

There was just a sliver of a moon in the sky as I shuffled across the deck in my slippers into my writing cottage this morning. You know that type of moon — the kind you want to jump upon, hang your legs over the edge, swing them back and forth, and wish you could live in the magic of the moon forever.

Lighting two candles, then getting comfortable in my over-sized wicker chair with floral cushions, Gidget nestled beside me, I started to settle in for my morning meditation.

But something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. It was a rabbit, standing on her hind legs, a trail of her tracks in the snow behind her. The sky was still sleeping, but soon enough dawn would break.

I was going to grab my camera to get a picture, but decided not to, instead opting to just sit and be with rabbit.

In my mind, I said, “Good morning little friend.”

I wondered what her message might be for me.

I sensed she was there to say, “Hey look, it’s a beautiful new day. A new year. A new start.  Can you see it?”

I looked a bit past her, past the birch trees she was standing beside, the winter gardens covered in snow, then toward the sky with it’s different hues of pinks and peaches.

I could more than see it as I sat with rabbit, I could feel it. I sensed this was her message to me, reminding me to start this new year in the gift of awareness. And to pause often and take in nature’s simple, but profound gifts.

My whole body melted into a sweet spot of warmth and comfort as rabbit hopped off, and I then sat in meditation for the next 15-minutes.

What a gift rabbit was for me this morning. I hope by sharing this with you today, she is a gift to you, too.

The Animal Wisdom Tarot card deck says this as message from rabbit:

Be open to mystical marvels, but keep an eye on your path.

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Go Within and Let Go

gidget and animal reading

For the last two weeks I’ve been practicing my meditation routine again. I had gotten out of the habit for a time being.

Miss Gidget seems to be enjoying it too. The minute I open the door to my writing cottage, she scurries in and heads for my large, peach wicker chair. I pick her up, tuck her in her blanket and this is where we sit Zen for 15-minutes.

Okay, I admit, we don’t always succeed for a full 15-minutes as one of us gets wiggly. But we are doing pretty good. It is why it is called a practice.

After meditation, I’ve been immersing myself in a new daily ritual of working with animal cards — a way of learning more about other animals and understanding their wisdom.

I shuffle the Animal Wisdom Tarot card deck I have with a question in mind. Either something I’m having a challenge with or just asking what it is I need to know for the day.

After a few shuffles, I choose a card at random. I then sit with the card for a few moments listening for a message of its meaning for me.

I journal what thoughts come. This day, having chosen Bat I wrote about how I am learning to be more comfortable in the shadows of unknowns, trying my best to release worry, and accept things as they are.

After I journal for a few moments I turn to the booklet included with the cards. It is always a wonderful confirmation reading Bat’s message according to the booklet which is surrender, release, sacrifice, renew and the overall message of “go within, and let go.”

It’s exactly where I’ve been in my inner world with some things I’ve been working through.

The universe really does support us if we let it.

And I love how often Gidget looks on as the wise self that she is — all these things of which she already knows — as she sits and waits in total patience for me to understand.

Thank you for subscribing to my journal posts.

It’s the First of the Month: Say Rabbit! Rabbit!

rabbitPhoto credit:  Animal Wisdom Tarot cards by Dawn Brunke, illustrated by Ola Liola

I remember the first time I heard someone say “Rabbit! Rabbit!” and it happened to also be the first day of the month. It was Robin Roberts from Good Morning America. She said it was an old wives tale that when you say “Rabbit! Rabbit!” on the first of the month it is supposed to bring you good luck for the rest of the month. She said she does this faithfully.

I don’t always remember to say it, nor do I know if it truly works, but who knows. And what has one got to lose, right?

I remembered today to say it though and thought, hey, this is a good reason to look up the wisdom of Rabbit and share with you today. And any time I can learn more about our animals friends, well, I welcome that with open arms and heart.

So I share with you Rabbit from The Animal Wisdom Tarot cards. I hope you enjoy. And isn’t that just the sweetest photo of Rabbit? I think so!

Rabbit—skilled, shapeshifter, elusive guide to fairy kingdoms, symbol of good luck, fertility, and longevity—leaps between worlds. Popping from the magician’s hat, scampering down the hold to wonderland, resting in the full moon’s luminous glow. Rabbit links us with dreams, lunar mysteries, and the far reaches of our imagination. Clever, quick, and agile, Rabbit leads us to hidden knowledge, although following may require a leap of faith.

While this wild card suggests enhanced insights and intuitive illuminations, it can also entail bewilderment. Enchanted by the unfamiliar beauty of secret realms, we may lose ourselves in fascination and wonder. Find your center and stay grounded to avoid confusion and emotional turbulence. Express creative visions and inspired experiences through the arts—dance, write, paint, sing.

Accomplished guide to shadow worlds, Rabbit helps to identify underlying fears birthed by self-deception. With Rabbit, you gain greater awareness of yourself, and learn to see clearly. Rabbit teaches how to recognize illusion, accept paradox, and embrace the deep, primal powers of your moonlit intuition.

MESSAGE:  Be open to mystical marvels, but keep an eye on your path.