
Flowers on a Budget

Flowers on a budget

I have a new little addiction.

Collecting small vases.

To enjoy tiny flowers.

That sit on my kitchen windowsill.

Which make me smile every time I look at them.

Flowers on a budget.

It’s simple really.

And a delightful way to add beauty to your life.

Without breaking the bank.

Unless of course you go crazy buying millions of little vases.

I shall try to restrain myself.

Oh look!  A cute, little vase.

Must have!

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Morning Glory. The Bridge.

Morning Glory. The Bridge.

I didn’t even notice as I walked the twelve steps from my patio door across the deck to my writing cottage early this morning. Once inside I rolled out my yoga mat, turned on some instrumental music on Pandora and moved through my yoga poses. I was lost in many different thoughts I was processing as I often do.

I came to my favorite pose – tree pose – and looked out the west side of my window to see what I could land my eye on to concentrate. And there they were in all their splendor! I was so thrilled to see that my morning glories had finally bloomed that I said out loud, “Oh Morning Glory! How I love you!” Out of tree pose I came, grabbed my camera and headed out to snap some pictures.

And look who else was just as delighted to see the Morning Glory—Ms. Bee!

All summer I waited for these beauties to open. Next to the Ranachulus, Morning Glories are my favorite. Could it be because of the fact they are periwinkle—my favorite color—Oh yes, this is true!


And it occurred to me how the Morning Glory is a bridge—a bridge between the last beautiful moments of summer to the glorious fall days that will soon be here.

Perhaps I need to rename my website/blog to Joyful Paws and Petals?!  Both bring me so much JOY!

Morning glory is the best name, it always refreshes me to see it. ~Henry David Thoreau

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Every Day – A New Delight!

Everyday A New Delight

I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven every time I walk my gardens each morning. There always seems to be some new delight that awaits me.

Today it was the hydrangea that blooms white and then turns to the softest pink. I tried to capture it in the photo above, but will try again as you can just see a hint of it. It is so sweet in person. I almost squealed out loud when I saw it!

The Daylily’s are also so close to blooming. I love the stage when they are buds, just ready to burst at the seems.

And then my little baby Robin’s. Oh dear! They are now practically teenagers, ready to fly from the nest very, very soon. I’m going to hate to see them go. But in my research on Robin’s it says they lay one to three hutches a season. So perhaps I’ll get lucky and Mr. Robin will take Mrs. Robin out on a romantic date…. and well…. you know!

I hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend!

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