wild woman

Who Is a Wild Woman, Really?

Who Is a Wild Woman, Really?
Card from Mystical Shaman Oracle Deck

Hanging my fall wreath on my writing cottage door this past weekend, I smiled at how the Wild Woman card I purposely enlarged this summer, was now so beautifully embraced within the wreath.

This time of year is one in which I enjoy going within more often and the comfort and cozy feeling I get as the days grow darker, the winds begin to blow and the leaves gently begin their cascade down to the earth….and this, this is part of being a Wild Woman who follows the instinct not only when I need to retreat, but to also emerge again when it is time.

It also spoke to me again of the importance of embracing our Wild Woman – whatever that looks like, and is, for you.

Wild Woman continues to speak to me and while she can be deep and introspective, she is funny, sings a lot in the kitchen lately, and speaks up more these days. I’m really digging her!

This morning I posted this photo on Facebook of Gidget waiting patiently at John’s feet just waiting for a morsel to drop as he made his lunch for work.

A friend commented , “A husband who makes his own lunch. Wow! Lucky girl!” 

How interesting, I thought, as it led me down a path of more thoughts.

At first I chuckled at the statement, then felt happy that yes, he does make his lunch, and then thought, why shouldn’t he make his own lunch?

Now this isn’t to say if someone enjoys making their spouses lunch, by all means, that is great!

But it triggered something within me. It was that part of me who used to think I had to do these things – that it was my responsibility. And if I didn’t, I was somehow a bad wife.

And oh how long it’s taken me to stand in my own power and not feel guilty when I’d hear a statement like this. Am I lucky? Perhaps. But then I think about my relationship with John and how it has grown deeper because of not only my willingness to step more fully into who I really am over the years and express my needs, but also John’s openness in listening and understanding.

Not that we always agree. But it takes a gentle and strong man to honor the Wild Woman that walks beside him, just as the Wild Woman honors the man who walks beside her. Is it always easy? Nope. 

But I come back again to a word that continues to be part of so much of my life now and that is awareness – awareness in tapping into what feels right for each of us, and not what may have been conditioned into us.

And so this Wild Woman continues to walk in awareness of what feels right for her soul, while deeply appreciating and hugging as often she can, the man who embraces all of who she is. So yup, then I say, I am indeed lucky! And so is John.  🙂



The Wild Woman Who Lived Downstairs

The Wild Woman Who Lived Downstairs
Me and my wooden doll who has an uncanny resemblance to the “Wild Woman” card from the Mystical Shaman Oracle deck.

Just the other day, a flash of remembrance flew across my mind.

I was pretty sure she was still there. But would she remember me? Down the stairs I flew to my studio, which has been vacant for most of the year.

She still stood exactly where I’d left her — off to the side of the large window that looks out over my rock garden. She hadn’t changed a bit, made of sturdy wood, colorful paints, soft feathers, and her feathered friends perched in her hair and hands.

I can’t recall exactly when, but it was well over ten years ago I made her. It was a mother-daughter outing spent with an artist who taught us the art of making these unique dolls.

Looking at my doll with the blue-green eyes and wild hair, named Eartha Azure, I wondered if she’d been a mirror to my subconscious that held the tale of what was to come.

I scooped her in my arms and happily marched her out to my writing cottage, its space full of light with windows that grace every side.

It was on my 55th birthday this past July during a practice session with a fellow Oracle School student that she pulled the “Wild Woman” card for me from the Mystical Shaman Oracle deck. I still recall how my hand flew to my heart. It hit home.

The card and the wooden doll a reflection of who I’ve worked diligently to become with a major leap I’d taken this year.

A year of going inward to embrace the parts of my inner child that needed to be acknowledged, heard, and healed. Hugging that little girl before I drifted off to sleep one night telling her I’d always be here for her. She was safe and I loved her.

It was then, that Wild Woman began to emerge little-by-little. She was bravely making herself known. She no longer wanted to live in the dark. She was ready to be seen.
She was ready to show others who she was becoming and who she had become—embracing all of who she is as she stepped into the light and claimed her space in the world, no longer afraid.

That Wild Woman is me, but my friend, it is also you. I know she lives within you and she is strong and beautiful. And I just wanted you to know.


What is it we most need to know to embrace our Wild Woman?



P.S. Come join me on Facebook if you’d like more wisdom and guidance from Oracles!




Take Joy!…and Squeal with Delight!

Take Joy!...and Squeal with Delight!

The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. Take Joy! ~Fra Giovanni

I don’t know about you, but I can’t help but feel exuberant joy watching everything come to life with spring upon us.

Walking out my writing cottage door at lunch today, just after we had a soft rain, I squealed out loud, and said to Gidget who was tucked under my arm, “Oh look, Gidget!  The Willow Cherry tree has begun to blossom! I must get a picture.” 

In that moment I felt my love for Tasha Tudor bubble up again to the surface, imagining her delight in her exquisite garden that she too felt every spring.

This week in my newsletter which comes out on Sunday I wrote about the Wild Woman within each of us — Tasha was definitely the epitome of that!  She is one of my mentors because it is what I strive to continue to embrace more and more everyday…to walk to the beat of my own drum…

and to Take Joy! in all the simple pleasures life has to offer.

I recently learned of a Wisconsin Chapter for the Tasha Tudor Society. I was so excited to receive a response from the woman who organizes events in WI to celebrate Tasha Tudor letting me know I’m now added to her email list. I hope to attend an event in the near future!

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.