women’s workshops

My Spirit Animal White Wolf Shared Her Name with Me

My Spirit Animal White Wolf Shared Her Name with Me
Photo credit: Nadine Doerle

Ever since I began the planning for my Animal Wisdom SoulCollage® Workshop, which I’m facilitating this Saturday at my home studio, I’ve had white wolf visit me on several occasions. She first came to me two years ago in a guided visualization during a challenging time, encouraging me to continue to let my heart lead the way for my life. 

It’s not always been easy, as life can be, and as you try to not let the doubts or belief’s of society fill your mind. As I’ve been working on another workshop, this one to be online about working with our dreams, I had white wolf come to me again. 

It was yet another guided visualization that my friend, Dawn, who will be presenting the workshop with me, that I saw white wolf in the visualization Dawn did as a run through. She didn’t appear at first, but it was after seeing a variety of colors swirling around me and above my head in greens, purples, and pinks (almost like the Northern lights!) that white wolf appeared next to me on a bridge.

So many good feelings flooded my body when I saw her! Then the next day I happened upon a documentary, The Snow Wolf Family and Me, about a man who lived with a family of white wolves for three months. It’s a series, so I can hardly wait to watch the second episode. And shortly after that I came across a very unique commercial about… yup, you guessed it….wolves. 

Then two nights ago before going to sleep I asked white wolf to guide me in my dreams and help me to remember them, as that can be a challenge for me.  Before I drifted off to sleep I asked her what her name is not knowing if anything would happen.

I heard immediately, Laiola. Isn’t that so pretty?  It feels so fitting! This morning as I sat in meditation for fifteen minutes she visited me yet again. I really feel like I’m beginning to know her and it is so comforting to know she is here with me to help me in this earthly life.

I’m increasingly fascinated by how we can connect with animals in what is sometimes defined as the non-reality world – but truly a world where we can find many answers for our lives if we trust in it and practice going there in meditation and in our dreams.

For more information about my upcoming workshop this Saturday, April 22nd and to register, please visit the link here

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Celebration of the Feminine Spirit

Celebration of the Feminine Spirit
Painting by Lynda Richardson

For the paths we’ve already walked and for new ones on the horizon and where we stand now… this celebration of the feminine spirit and what we can accomplish on our own and together…

It is magical. It is powerful. It is beautiful. It is graceful.

This painting, made by my dear mama, in support of my vision and expanded work in the world…which now graces my Joyful Pause Studio.

New workshop in the planning stages: connecting with your totem animal through SoulCollage® coming this April to Joyful Pause Studio. If you don’t want to miss details on this workshop be sure to sign up for my newsletter here.  

My Perfectionist Kept Me Awake Last Night

My Perfectionist Kept Me Awake Last Night
My Inner Critic SoulCollage® Card

It was midnight when I found myself wide awake. Around and around and around in my mind went thoughts and worries about the workshop I’ll be facilitating tonight. Third in a series of five and tonight we will explore and create SoulCollage® cards for one or all of the following — Maiden, Mother and Crone.

I tossed and turned trying everything to talk myself out of my concerns.

As 2016 came to an end I knew in my heart I was being strongly called to facilitate many more workshops in 2017 and bring women together in circle to gently guide them to creatively tap into their intuition to connect with their True Self and live a more meaningful life.

In many ways this is new territory for me. Along with lots of researching and learning as I go it’s a new energy I’m working with that I’ve not before.

Most recently I was introduced to The Circle Way as a structure to help create a safe container for women to tune into their intuition, create and share their stories.

While I’m grateful to now know about The Circle Way and which I’m integrating in my workshops, it’s still new to me. I worry that I won’t do it “right.” And I’m realizing this is my Inner Critic, which is also disguised as my perfectionist, who is showing herself more often.

Even though I’ve done much inner work on myself, the thing is it is never “one and we are done” but that we will now and then be challenged. This is what comes with growing and evolving.

The good news is that I can now more easily recognize what is going on. So this morning I pulled the card I made to represent my Inner Critic.  Here she is in purple worried that others will talk behind her back saying she isn’t any good at this facilitating role.

And seeing in the background the Egyptian woman with her hands raised I heard her say, “Stop all the madness!”

It brought me back to my senses and understanding that my Inner Critic has my best interest in mind. My Inner Critic wants to keep me safe and protect me. She really means no harm. She just needed to be acknowledged for her important role in my life.

So I silently talked to her and said, “Thank you for your concern. I got this. You can now rest for awhile.”

It’s going to be a great night with my Women’s Circle!

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

SoulCollage® cards are not sold, traded, or bartered to respect the artists whose images are collaged in the cards.