writer studio

On the Importance of A Sense of Place

While I’ve put my book writing on hold as I’ve been exploring and facilitating workshops, I do believe there is at least one more book in me. Though I’m not sure when I will write another one, but trust that when the time is right it will happen.

It doesn’t mean that thoughts aren’t tickling my brain about it. A title I had in mind is ‘A Sense of Place.’ In doing a search on Amazon recently, I see that title is taken. But perhaps I can have a different sub-title. See? Told you I’ve been having thoughts tickling my brain!

This morning I was up early to beat the heat of the day and get sections of our landscape watered, as well as get in my Yoga practice and meditation in inside my writing cottage. While I have air conditioning in my cottage, it’s noisy so I try to hold off as long as I can before firing it up.

Early morning is probably my most favorite time out here in my special space. And it was really singing to my heart his morning as the sprinkler sent cascades of water down the west windows, the birds were chirping, and a little breeze blew through the east windows.

The shades drawn on the east side to keep the sun out and help keep it cool always makes me feel as if I’m nesting. I love the sounds of summer as I’m tucked quietly within. As I sat in meditation I couldn’t help but be so grateful for this sense of place that grounds me and makes my heart feel home.

This sense of place that has allowed my dreams to expand because coming to this space each day I feel safe to explore my hopes and dreams.

While I know not everyone may be able to have a ten by twelve space such as mine that resides quaintly off the end of my deck, I believe with every fiber of my being that it is vital to find a sense of place to call your very own – a place where you can go to just be, dream, hope, connect, nest, renew and reflect.

Some have done this through pilgrimages or sitting by the sea, or walks in nature. There is no right or wrong way. It’s just finding what feels right to your soul and then finding time to just be within this space as often as possible.

It’s in this sense of place within my writing cottage that I’ve come to appreciate and value myself for who I am. 

And so again, this is the tickling of thoughts going through my mind of late, and wondering how this can turn into a book someday. So I’ll continue to dream about it and see where it may lead.

On Tuesday, June 13th I’ll be taking part in a Fire Circle Call and you are invited! Join me, author Kaya Singer, and other inspiring women who live from their own sense of place within and use those gifts in their work to help others. It’s a free call and we’d love you to join us via Zoom video at noon cst.  Click here to sign up and learn more. 

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Put on Your Winter Skin and Come Walk with Me

Put on Your Winter Skin and Come Walk with Me

The landscape now changed with winter upon us, it whispered to me to come out and capture it. At first I didn’t want to, pouting to myself that burrrr, it’s just too cold. But the whisper got louder with a promise that it would reward me if I just listened.

And then I heard this song play on Pandora which I’d never heard before… and so I put on my winter skin…. and captured the beauty of what this season has to offer. So listen along, in the cozy and comfy of your chair… and walk along with me in this photo gallery below of photos…

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Creative Coffee Break with an Artist and Writer

creative coffee break

Two years ago I was blessed with a new friendship in artist, Cassy Tully. It seems like we have known each other a lifetime. Perhaps we somehow did connect in a past life– at least this is the way we have begun to feel about each other.

She is also in my heart the daughter I never had. Though I never wanted children, if I’d have had them, I feel like she would have been the one I would have wished for. We are kindred spirits– that there is no doubt.

A few months ago we began what we call our Creative Coffee Break. We meet once a month to discuss projects we are working on and get input and advice on things we wish to do coming up.

Last week we met in her newly created artist space. She has always had a space in her home where she goes to paint. But most recently she added a cozy area within her painting studio that has a big overstuffed size chair, a table with magazines that feed her creativity, photos that capture favorite moments which have inspired her, and trinkets that remind her of what it means to her to be the artist that she is.

I’m a big believer that everyone needs their own space to just be, or to create, or to do whatever it is that feeds and refreshes their soul.  Awhile back when I posted a photo of my writing cottage saying this very same thing, I heard from one angry woman saying “It must be nice, but not everyone can afford  a writing cottage.”

While yes, she had a point, it made me sad that she missed the point. Besides the fact it is easy to judge as what we think is “must be nice.” My space came to me at a price of giving up something else. Though I don’t feel like it was a sacrifice.  The point is everyone deserves a space to call their very own. It does not need to be a whole separate space and can be as simple as a small corner in your home. And as in Cassy’s case, hers is in her basement.  This may not sound ideal to someone else, but another point is that she made it her own– surrounded by what feeds her soul, just like my space does. Meeting there this month truly fed my soul– but just being around Cassy inspires me to keep believing in myself as a writer and blogger.

Also feeding our souls helps us to go out and face the world- to stand tall in who we are. Don’t we all need that?  I don’t know about you, but I do. It’s why I’m so thankful for my friendship with Cassy– she inspires me on so many levels. It’s why I’m thankful for not only my creative space, but also to be within the space of someone else who is a creative spirit. I think there is nothing like it to shoot you over the moon of inspiration!