To Think It All Began with a Phone Call.

flowerIt all began with a phone call.

The day before I was going to help Frankie transition and become a dog angel in heaven.

My friend Mary, bless her heart forever, for suggesting I call her friend, Dawn.

Dawn is an animal communicator.

I knew of her, but didn’t know her.

I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do.

My hands shaking, I picked up the phone and punched her number into my key pad.

My heart was beating wildly.

The kindest voice answered.

I explained who I was and the gut wrenching decision I was in the process of making.

She was in the middle of a hectic day of book publishing with last minute details.

But she dropped everything for me and Frankie.

She said, “It was in your voice. I knew you needed help.”

The gift of having her communicate with Frankie solidified for me that I was making the right decision.

Frankie and I had come to the end of our beautiful journey here on earth together. She was ready to move on.

Dawn helped me to trust in my heart that this was right. That I’d be okay and so would Frankie.

I’ll never, ever forget that day. Dawn’s serene and calm words of wisdom that made me know the journey with Frankie would not end. But it would evolve into a new level. We’d always be together. There was nothing to fear.

A year later I met Dawn for coffee when she visited Wisconsin. I didn’t want my time to end with her because I felt so connected in a special way to her.

She returned again this past week as I hosted an animal communication workshop in my home that she taught.

We met today to say goodbye before she heads back home to Alaska tomorrow. She is a gift.

I drove home floating on a cloud for the friendship I have with Dawn. Her spirit that is larger than life. Her heart that is open and shares freely.

It’s her secure knowing in herself as a woman that shines so brightly that makes me feel grounded and happy in her company.

She is a wise role model for me. A mentor. A dear friend.

Brought together by a phone call two years ago. Thank you Universe (and Mary) for bringing us together.

My soul having evolved just a bit more because of her.

And I know when she reads this she will be ever so humble. But it’s all true. And I wanted her to know.

Love you, dear friend!