What’s for Lunch You Ask?

What's for lunch You Ask?Every time John makes his lunch for work he has a captive audience. We also laugh because his lunchbox is so big—we call it his “Herman Munster” lunchbox.

Not that he fills it to the brim with food, but he also puts his water bottle in it.

But I couldn’t help myself the other day when I realized Gidget just might fit inside it.

I scooped her up and sure enough, she fit perfectly. Of course then John wanted to take her along with him to work. What a sweet treat she would be to have beside him.

No way, no how!  I simply can’t part with her as my companion beside me each day as I work in my writing cottage. Perhaps we need to get him a little doxie construction partner?

But then I suppose he’d need two “Herman Munster” lunchboxes!

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