I read something recently that really got me thinking. It’s about how “busy” is a sickness. Did you ever notice that is the stock answer so many of us give when asked how we are?
My intention for many years has been about living a life that is meaningful. To be busy feels like my life is out of control. While at times it does truly feel that way, I try to make a conscious effort to ground myself and look at why I might be feeling that way when I find myself in this place.
And I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asks my husband, John if he is busy. He owns and operates his own construction business. It’s funny though, because no one has asked me in a long, long time if I am busy. I find this fascinating.
In the article, a woman responds to a man who asked her how she is and she replies she was crazy busy. She was surprised when he asked her what it was she had going on that day. She frantically rattled off everything she had to do.
His response? “Sounds like a full day. Have fun!”
Whoa! What a seriously, cool way to look at one’s life, I thought. I’ve been thinking about this a lot. So I checked in with this idea of a full life instead of a busy one, asking myself these questions:
- Am I doing things that are meaningful to me?
- Am I making a difference?
- Am I tired in an accomplished feeling way and not a stressful way at the end of the day?
- Am I, for the most part, happy every day?
The answer is yes, this is the majority of the time, and how I feel. This, to me, is a full life and not a busy one.
And when I think of life as full, I think of it as rich, content, and wanting more.
How about you? Full or busy? How does this feel to you? I’d love to hear!
This is the article I refer to if you’d like to read more, “Busy is a Sickness.”
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