Off to the vet Miss Gidget and I went very early this morning. After an exam this week, a dental cleaning was definitely in order.
Some doxie’s are just prone to bad teeth as is the case for Gidget. Fifteen had to be pulled last year and now she has six less today.
But she is doing well in recovery from the phone call I got from the vet tech, Nicole. Though from Nicole’s description it sounds like Gidget was giving her the stink eye. Can’t say as I blame her.
I’m off to the cardiology department at the clinic early this afternoon for my stress test, which I’m feeling confident will go well.
But I’ll be happy when that is done so I can pick up little G afterwards. I’m looking forward to lots of cuddle time with her.
The simple pleasures of life always seem to come sharper into view when things feel a bit off balance.
And soon enough “The Queen,” as I sometimes call Gidget, will be overlooking the writing cottage again, sitting atop her bed resting on the wicker chair. Someone’s gotta keep an eye on me you know!
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