Miss Marie: Rest and Be Well.

Miss Marie: Rest and Be Well.
Miss Marie on left, Sistah V on right

Last week Thursday morning I had plans to have my dear friend Sistah V (a.k.a. Victoria) over for tea. As a last minute impulse about an hour before Sistah V’s arrival, I sent my other dear friend, Miss Marie, who lives nearby, a text asking her if she’d like to join us.

It’s escaping me right now how we all know each other. But it was an impromptu stop at Miss Marie’s house for Sistah V and my birthday two summers ago, that we giggled and had so much fun that we said we need to get together more often.

Well, you know how that can go in full lives. While I see them both now and then on separate occasions, getting together as a trio can be challenging.

But it all worked out last Thursday and four hours later we were bidding each other reluctantly goodbye. It was a very sweet time.

I was surprised when mid-morning today I received a text from Miss Marie, “Call me when you have a moment. I’m in the hospital.”

Well, I immediately called. Miss Marie had quite the scare Friday around 9pm when she started to experience chest pains. The ambulance came and she was rushed to a local hospital where all tests turned out okay, but they were concerned about the stress test and her sky rocketing blood pressure so off to a bigger hospital she went as the medical staff was concerned about a blockage they couldn’t see.

Fortunately, all went well with that test and there are no blockages. I drive by Miss Marie’s house a few times a week, as it is on the way to downtown to the library or deli, so she was concerned I’d be worried if I didn’t see her car home and called to let me know what was going on.

I’m glad she did and I’m especially glad she is okay. Miss Marie has really become quite dear to me the past few years and I’d hate to see something happen to her. She is a very young 70, but one never does know.

While there isn’t anything conclusive about what could have caused her chest pains, we talked a little and it could be stress from her helping to take care of a good friend the week of Christmas who was actively dying. Her friend passed away the day Miss Marie left for home.

Miss Marie is a very active lady and it’s not always easy for her to just slow down and rest. But I gave her strict instructions that she must.

She said, “I suppose it’s okay to be a slug.” She has to be one for at least three days as they went in through her wrist for the tests and she has to let that heal.

Not quite sure how I could help Miss Marie, after we hung up the phone, I decided to make a sign to welcome her home as she will be released sometime today.

So typical of so many women, we find it hard to just be…so thinking about our conversation, and wanting to add a bit of laughter as it is good medicine, this is the sign I made for her and hung on her door:

I also thought it would be a good idea to get out my deck of angel cards and ask of them which angel will be with her right now. Why does it not surprise me that just the right angel presented herself. I made a copy of it and tucked it an envelope for Miss Marie to reflect on and know that Shanti is with her.

Rest, and be well, Miss Marie…and know that angel Shanti and I give you full permission to be a slug.

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