What Is Normal?

While I was cooking dinner last night my husband, John was talking about how his crew will now be working steadily once again (he own’s and operates a remodeling construction business). Business is picking up once again, and with the exceptionally nice weather we are having here in Wisconsin, jobs he booked during the winter, they are getting a jump start on because of the warmer weather.

I chuckled and said, “What is normal?”  We often say that when we catch ourselves commenting on something being “back to normal.” Is there really a normal? I’ve come to believe there is not. At first that was hard to deal with. When things are not as we think they should be it can throw us off- making us feel insecure, unsafe, uncomfortable, or fearful.

But I’ve learned to roll a lot better with whatever normal is or isn’t.  John’s business really helped me with that. We’ve definitely had our ups and downs with his business – and still do now and then – but I’m much better at keeping my faith and trusting we will be provided for.  Then everything I went through with Frankie taught me that if you cling to things being normal, you’ll never learn new things or grow and evolve. When you are “normal” I don’t think you can build character. John and I often joke we are truly quite the characters!  But you know what? We kinda like it that way.

So no normal here at the Techel Homestead.  Just a dog on wheels, two middle-aged characters, and a yellow Lab that sits like a donkey. Life is good and not normal.