Update 7/10/2012: Many of you loved the pastel chalk drawing my friend’s Mom did for me of Frankie. I’m sharing the artists name and email as she is available to do a pastel chalk of your pet, too if you’d like. It is easy to do with a photo you send her through email. Her name is Marilyn Dumar and her email is mdumar (at) wi (dot) rr (dot) com.
Today I created a little altar in memory of Frankie on an old desk in my writing cottage. Just as I was done, I got a call from my friend, Missy who said she had a surprise for me. I met her at the salon where she works. She gifted me with this lovely drawing of Frankie that her mom, Marilyn did. It is done in pastel chalks. Marilyn took a photo from my website to base this drawing off of and it is one of the last photos I took of Frankie outside. I couldn’t have been more touched. I keep looking at it and can’t believe how the eyes just draw me in.
Missy told me that her mom has never taken any art classes. Wow. She really is quite talented, don’t you think? I love how she captured all the white on Frankie’s face, too. I think having an altar with photos and a candle, and whatever else it is that makes you feel connected with your beloved pet is such a wonderful thing. I still have an area downstairs that is dedicated to my chocolate Lab, Cassie Jo who passed away almost seven years ago (7-11-2005). It is therapeutic for me to sit in my big wicker chair and look at the photos and think of all the warm, wonderful memories of Frankie… which have been flooding my mind quite a bit this past week. Every night before I nod off to sleep I tell Frankie I love her and I miss her. I’m pretty sure she hears me… I can feel it in my heart.