Cheryl’s Book Nook Stop

Fri, June 5 — Book blogger Cheryl Koch posts her review of Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog at Cheryl's Book Nook


Be informed about the dangers of Anti-freeze and your dogs.  Just this week Dogster announced that three precious dogs from one family had to be put to sleep because of this.  PLEASE read about the dangers of anti-freeze and take the necessary precautions in memory of these three wonderful dogs. 


There is a SPECIAL OFFER FOR VISITORS TO THE VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR. Each guest who comments on a post in Barbara and Frankie's tour will be entered in a drawing for some fun, unique gifts that will especially appeal to Frankie fans and other dog lovers. We will give away several items from Frankie's store. These include two Frankie t-shirts and two Frankie tote bags.