It’s Not About the Color of the Dachshund

on bike cJoie loves the basket on my bike!

When I got Frankie in 1999 I had my heart set on a red Dachshund – smooth coat – I would have no other. Well, as we all know, it was destined to be that I found her, the last one of the litter. This was planned long before the ” itch”  of wanting a Dachshund began to make itself known to me.

After Frankie passed many of you may recall a few months after that a blog post I wrote about asking the Universe for another red Dachshund, one with IVDD, that needed a set of wheels, female, and between the ages of 4-6.  All that came true except for the color. This time it was meant to be that I have a black and tan little one.

A few months after I got Joie, I saw on Facebook that Hope Clark, author of a  mystery series, founder of FundsforWriter’s,  but more importantly, also a Dachshund lover got a new little doxie too.  I knew Hope because of the Internet and my search for help with writing years ago. But what I adore most about Hope is her love of Dachshunds as I fell in love with her black and tan Dachshund, Dixe, who was blind and deaf. I was very sad when Dixie passed away about a year before Frankie.

About two months after I got Joie, Hope ended up getting a red Dachshund puppy. When I saw the first photo of Roo I chuckled that we had “swapped”  doxie colors.


 Hope and Roo quite smitten with each other I’d say!

So you see, it’s not about the color of the Dachshund, or any dog for that matter. I know, like me, Hope’s heart was broken when Dixie passed away. We understood this in each other that our love for our doxie’s is deep and very special.  So no matter what the color, they provide us with an ocean of love, endless giggles, warm snuggles and many kisses– whether black and tan, red, or any other color — it is the allowing of one’s heart to yet again be swallowed up with utter love from our sausage-shaped dogs that matters the most.