My Joyful Pause Moments: Weekly Recap

What a great week it has been! I love the month of July. So while, yes, it is the month I was born in, I must say that I do believe July is my favorite month of the year. Everyone just seems so happy and enjoying life.

sitting in stillness 12After my yoga practice this week one day before sitting in stillness for five minutes, Gidget wandered over to join me. I moved her bed in front of my feet so we could meditate together. Divine. I know it looks like she is sleeping, but really, she is a very good meditater.  😉

rainbootsI think a little fairy carried this colorful flower blossom and set it upon my ceramic rain boots.

mag 12I discovered this publication, “Where Women Create” this week. A beautiful magazine. I may try and see if I can’t get my writing cottage featured in it. That would be fun!

photo 3 12Lunch one day was Dairy Queen Dilly bars I brought to my friend Cassy Tully’s art studio as a treat for her and her framer, Pam. Delicious!

IMG_1095Mini golf day with our friend Cassy. Always a good time!