Back by Popular Demand! Get Your Questions Answered about IVDD.

10448206_778036462246690_6142758788690221050_nI’m partnering once again with Dodgerslist to bring you another live Q & A session to answer all your questions about Intervertebral Disc Disease. The last one we did during a morning session was so beneficial. So many questions were coming in, we could barely keep up – but that was a good problem to have!  Continuing to educate others about IVDD is crucial to help save the lives of dogs inflicted with this disease. They can live quality lives if you have the right information.

It will take place once again on Facebook and this time we’ve set up a separate page just for this event. Click here or to join now. Right before we go live you will be able to start posting your questions.  This will also be an evening session so hopefully those that couldn’t make the day session can join us in this session.