Returning to Normal. Whatever Normal is.

g and flowers 12It is the busiest weekend of the year in our little village of 950 people with the vintage race cars in town. I am always blown away by how filled up our little town becomes for this weekend. There are wall to wall cars up and down our small town streets. I don’t know how they pack ém all in each year, but they do.

It has been a busy week with my birthday, which I loved every. single. moment. of it. But today I breathe a big exhale as I sit quietly in my writing cottage writing this post. I can hear the race cars humming in the distance, but the calm in my cottage feels amazing today. Returning to normal – though I really don’t know if there is such a thing as normal.

One last surprise was awaiting me when John and I got home last night. It seems the Birthday Bandits from last year struck again! Evidence of this can be seen on my Facebook page. It was a sweet way to end my birthday — though it will continue into next week when I have lunch with my dad on Friday. But for the most part, I think I shall ease back into simple, quiet and normal again, which I’m looking forward to.

I had a fantastic week with lots of eating out, which is always nice, though I’m ready to get back to making meals at home too. Miss G and I headed to the Farmer’s Market and came home with the back basket on my bike full of goodies – lettuce, tomatoes, potato crusted pizza, beans, zucchini and squash. Time to get back to healthy eating!

While I feel tired, in a good way from all the excitement of the week, Miss G is tired too. She could barely keep her eyes open for me to take the photo of her with the flowers I bought today. I have a feeling the sofa will be a place we will find our way to this afternoon for a sweet nap.

The celebrations are memories and treasures of the heart I carry with me and feel very blessed for all the love and good I have in my life. While I loved all the celebrating, I also relish in the peace and quiet of what life has to offer too. Excited and ready to see what the 51st year of my life presents to me.