Bee Oracle Message – ARHO

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Bee glides with glee toward the bright yellow flowers in anticipation of partaking in their delicious nectar while also intending to gather pollen in order to spread needed nourishment to other flora and fauna. In this way we can see Bee as an efficient multitasker, with each move having a purpose in helping to sustain life.

Bee reminds us life is a delicate dance of action and rest. This is what is needed in order to thoroughly savor your sweet fruits of labor while also deeply appreciating the respites.

The honeycomb, hexagon-shaped home to Bee, is symbolic of the heart. This serves as a reminder to mindfully approach each of your tasks as a sacred action and meditation.

The transparency of Bee’s wings allows the light to shine through, a beautiful reflection that working toward what matters to you will allow your unique sparkle of authenticity to emanate. This will magically add a positive vibration to the Universe creating a radiant wave and travels far beyond what your eyes can see.

While there are moments in life that sting, they are reminders to pause, be still, and replenish your spirit. Taking your cue from Bee, who rests with eyes wide open, helps you understand painful experiences are lessons learned, bringing you the wisdom you needed at that time.
