An Update on Frankie’s Book

Today is a big day!  The illustrations for Frankie’s book are complete.  The illustrator, Victoria Kay Lieffring, dropped off two back up copies this morning.  Wow, I have the whole book in my hands on this tiny device called a jump drive.

We began the process of illustrations on about June 26th and here it is today, November 3rd and the book has come to life.  What an incredible journey this has been.  I thanked Victoria in person, but wish to give acknowledgment to her via my blog also.  She did an incredible job of capturing the heart of the story through her illustrations.  I believe she understood my passion for this book and what it means to me.    Thank you, Victoria!

The back up file is now in the mail as it makes its way to Clarksville, Tennessee.  I hired graphic designer, Jessica Dockter of to make sure the book is laid out correctly and double check all the illustrations so they come to life as vividly as possible.  She will also work hand in hand with the printer.  Not sure how long that process will take, but will update everyone when the book is on its way to the printer in Illinois.  Frankie is getting to travel without leaving the comfort of her new periwinkle bed… all through the pages of her book on a tiny disk. Once the book is at the printers it will be 4 weeks for completion.  I can’t believe how close I am to seeing Frankie’s book in print.  It is very exciting!  I will keep you updated!