I Pledge Allegiance…

Frankie and I visited with Girl Scout Troop #8290 last night.  It was a heart warming experience to know the foundation of our country through the Pledge of Allegiance still exists and thrives.  I felt a lump in my throat as the girls recited the Pledge of Allegiance… One Nation Under God.  They then recited the Honor Pledge of the Girl Scouts  http://www.girlscouts.org/program/gs_central/promise_law/.  It gave me goosebumps.  These young girls will be leaders in our world someday.  To know the institution of Girl Scouts and it’s adult leaders are instilling valuable lessons in our young girls, makes me proud to have been a part of their circle last night.

They were all so eager to hear Frankie’s story, asking me questions before we even began.  A cozy circle formed as the girls came into the room one by one.  They encircled us with smiles, warm hearts and most of all sincere compassion for little Frankie.  As I began the presentation you could have heard a pin drop.

After I did a selected reading, I explained Frankie’s injury and then it was time for my favorite part… Questions!  One girl asked if I was more protective of Frankie after her accident.  I had not thought of that in a long time.  Yes, I was very protective of her and worried she would rupture another disk and I felt she was so fragile.  I had to learn to let go of that fear and let Frankie still be a dog.  Another girl asked if it was emotional when I first found out Frankie was hurt.  I felt a tug in my heart, bringing me back to the day I got the call.  Oh yes, it was so difficult, but we made it through.

Lastly, one of the leaders asked if I would have had young kids at the time and working outside of my home would I have done all I did for Frankie.  I was honest and explained I do not have children and yes, I do work out of my home.  It is hard to know what I would have done if my situation were different.  I could only say that knowing what I know now, I would have made it work if my situation had been different.  I would have done what I needed to do to make it work.  There are many others out there with dogs in carts who don’t work at home and they adjust.  I can only say what I know now after having been through this.  And it has been, and continues to be, one of the biggest blessings in my life.  I still believe God chose me to be Frankie’s mom and I am honored.

Thank you to sister-in-law Shelly Johnson & my niece Holly for inviting me to Girl Scout Troop #8290.  Frankie and I are proud to have both of you as our family and now feel honored to know Girl Scout Troop #8290.

Helping Spread the Word about Disc Disease in Dachshunds

Disc disease is commonly found in dachshunds.  Though, many other small breeds are susceptible too.  I remember reading in a magazine once that the pressure on their spine from jumping, climbing stairs, etc. can be equivalent to a human jumping off the roof of a house every day.  After time, a dachshunds discs can degenerate, causing a disk to rupture, as was the case with Frankie.

With that said, even if you did everything "right" and prevented your dog from jumping and climbing stairs, Frankie’s surgeon told me a dachshund could still rupture a disk.  Some dogs too, can lead very active, death-defying leaps and never be affected.  There is some thought that over breeding can play a part as well.

With that said, I wanted to call attention and help spread the word about Disc Disease through a wonderful website called, www.dodgerslist.com.  This site was started by Linda Stowe when her dog, Dodger was put down prematurely from disc disease.  We now know so much more about how to treat and live with the disease and these little dogs can still lead quality lives even if diagnosed with disc disease, or in Frankie’s case, in a wheelchair because of permanent paralysis.

Dodger’s list offers a quarterly newsletter bringing attention to Disc Disease.  They also featured Frankie’s book in April’s issue and we are honored to be associated with them.  Check it out: http://www.dodgerslist.com/Digests/April08.pdf

If your dog or someone else’s dog experiences symptoms from disc disease please let them know about Dodger’s List.  Sadly, there are still many vets who don’t know the many options and these dogs are put to sleep.  So, please help spread the word that there is help available!  Dodger’s List was instrumental in helping me get through the first three months of Frankie’s recovery.