, For the Love of Dogs

You may have already heard of Dogster on the internet (, but I am finally looking into it more.  It is a very fun site to talk, brag, talk, brag, talk, brag (you get the picture!) about your dog!  They also have a site for cats too (, so don't dismay if you love cats more than dogs.  You can sign up for free.  If you want to add upgraded fun stuff to your site, then you can subscribe for $19.95.  Frankie has her profile up and running.  Kylie's still needs work, but I'll get there.  Since Frankie has a book it is a great promotional tool to spread the word… so we have heard from another dog author.  Thanks, Bob from  If you want to check out Frankie's profile on Dogster please do so   If your dog is already on Dogster we'd love to have you as our friend, so send us an invite! This dog stuff is quite the racket, huh?  Gotta love those dogs… and I do!  I do!

Respecting Our Elders by Natalie Tucker Miller

I have never met Natalie in person, but have had the honor of talking with her via phone and email.  We are both first time authors with a passion for our books.  Natalie's book is Lavender Ladies.  It is a picture book for elders.  Here is what one reviewer said about this unique book:

"We all remember the joy of having older people read story books to us when were growing up. Now as our parents and other loved ones age, we can return the gift.  Ageless-Sages and its publication of Lavender Ladies provides us with a way to give back.  Enjoy giving these stories to the special people in your life."  -Don Marusaka, master coach and author of How Great Decisions Get Made.

Natalie just had a story published in Choice Magazine, "Respecting Our Elders."  I just had to pass it along.

It really touched me as Frankie and I will be visiting nursing homes this summer doing a presentation of our book.  We are also in the process of becoming a therapy dog team so we can visit nursing homes and hospitals and hopefully bring joy to those in need.  Simply respecting our elders, allowing them their dignity and listening as they reflect on their life is all they need.  I think Natalie so poignantly stated this in her article and it is something everyone should read and understand.  I remember when my grandma was in a nursing home and she was in the final stages of her life.  I had a hard time visiting her.  It was difficult for me to see her declining.  I could not go see her when we were told the end was very near.  I was too afraid to see death and I didn't want to "remember her that way."  I have since grown in my understanding that we must not fear death, but celebrate the crossing over to a place that truly is heaven… and if we are open to believing our loved ones are always with us, they indeed will always be with us. 

Natalie's book is a wonderful way to connect to the elders in your life that are still here.  It will be a gift not only to them, but to you as well.  Check it out at