Jerry took 3rd place being dressed in his German lederhosen. He and Frankie are comparing notes I think on whose hat is cuter…. or maybe Jerry is saying to Frankie, “Can you believe we have to put up with this?”

Bella the German beer stein took 2nd place for her adorable costume. She was such a tiny little dog though that I think if she were a real beer stein you’d take one sip and the stein would be empty!

Last year’s dachshund race winner was Frankie, though he is a boy Frankie. But we won’t hold it against him. After the costume contest Frankie and I were whisked off in a golf cart so we could take part in the parade as this years costume winner. It was quite the long parade route, so I was glad little Frankie didn’t have to pull her train the whole route! We got to ride with 2007 race winner Frankie and his dad Joe. The BIG dachshund in the front seat is German Fest mascot, Fritzi. It was evident Frankie, the race winner, had many fans and they remembered him from last year and were calling out his name. He took 1st place again this year, but will hang up his paws now with racing. He will be back again next year to take his final lap around the parade route as the 2008 race winner. Sure would be fun to win 2009 costume contest and ride with him again. John and I have got our thinking caps on for next years costume. Any ideas out there?