Shhhh, it’s a secret!


It is a secret I am wishing I could tell, but I can’t… not quite yet!  But I can say that Frankie’s book won another award… a special one!  We can not make the announcement until Feb. 2009, so stay tuned!… but when we do you will be the first to know on our blog!

Helping Animals with Cancer

I came across a website and wonderful foundation with the help of my friend Bear's Mom.  Bear is the therapy dog known as Dog on a hog.  This is a foundation to help animals with cancer and bringing an awareness to changes we can make.  According to Land of Puregold Foundation one in three persons and animals is diagnosed with cancer.  This site is dedicated to making a difference in education and helping.  My own lab, Cassie was diagnosed with bone cancer in December 2004.  With an experimental drug she was able to live another 8 months of quality life.  Though I'd give anything if she would have never gottne the diagnoses to begin with.  I'm always happy to know of foundations trying to help animals with cancer and to pass them on…. in hopes it can help someone else.

Have you heard of

I recently learned of Facedog when I was contacted by Fiona Tankard, freelance writer, who wanted to do an interview about Frankie and I.  By now I'm sure you have heard of Facebook, the social networking website for humans… well, Facedog is sort of like Facebook, but it is for dogs!  Now we all know dogs can't talk or use the internet (ha!), but just goes to prove the power of animals and how they connect humans to one another.  So check it out!  And here is the feature story Fiona wrote about us for Facedog.  Thank you, Fiona!  WOOF!