Children say the most beautiful things!

Next week Tuesday Frankie and I will be a part of a pilot program for the school in Canada we have been in contact with.  We will be talking with the school via webcam and Skype.  Karen, the teacher told me all the kids will be gathering in the gym.  There will be a large screen where Frankie and I will be projected on, so the kids can see us.  The children will then be able to come up to the computer and ask us questions.  I am THRILLED beyond thrilled for this fantastic opportunity!  It should be lots of fun.  Along with the many questions the kids sent Frankie, which she has been answering on her blog, they also sent along some comments.  Thought you might enjoy.… I sure did!!… and some were very profound.

  • "I bet you are a loving dog owner and Frankie really loves you for that!"  Naomi, age 10
  • "Dear Frankie and Frankie's Mom, I think it is very nice that she visits hospitals.  I would sure feel better if she wheeld in!"  Emma, age 10
  • "Dear Barbara, I think you are a very compassionate person.  Most people would give up on their dog once they found out it was paralyzed."  Nicole, age 10
  • "I bet Frankie loves you for keeping her alive and letting her walk."  Shae, age 10
  • "I am glad that you did not put Frankie down."  Kevin, age 10
  • "Dear Frankie and Frankie's mom, I admire you because you help people and you didn't give Frankie up when she was paralyzed.  I like Frankie!  I think she is cool!"  Peter, age 10
  • "Dear Frankie, you are an adorable dog.  You and Barbara were very brave."  Emily, age 11
  • "Keep going Frankie!"  Mariah, age 10

Quote of the Day

"We must be willing to get rid of the life that we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."  -Joseph Campbell

Boy, did this one hit home for me!  Absolutely reminded me of having my life planned out for Kylie to be my therapy dog and then Frankie had her accident. And everything was put on hold.  Now that Frankie is my therapy dog and I accepted what was waiting for me was even better than what I had planned, I wake up every morning and give thanks for the gift of Frankie… and the gift of trusting there is always something better waiting for us if we just keep the faith.