How could you resist helping this sweet dog? That is exactly how Connie felt when she adopted this beagle and named her most appropriately, Hope.
Connie adopted Hope when she was in a dog cart. She was in a cart due to being hit by a car. When she was brought into the vet after being hit it was recommended she be put down. The vet came into the room, took one look at her and knew she deserved a chance. He called Last Hope Rescue. They took her in and brought her to a specialist which did surgery on her spine.
That is where Connie entered Hope’s life. Connie fell in love with Hope the first time she saw her and wanted to give her a great life. She took her to many different vets and finally found a vet in Long Island that recommended she be fitted for special braces by a company started by Martin Kaufmann called OrthoPets.
The rest is history! Hope lives a full, happy dog life. She runs and plays with three other beagles and can do just about everything she did before she was hurt. Awww, Hope you are the cutest, and I just love your booty braces. You are a real trooper and once again you teach us humans that life is all about what you make it.