Just received word about this wonderful week, so wanted to share. Be sure and check out the website for all the details!!
Governor Jim Doyle Officially Proclaims 1st Wisconsin Week for the Animals August 8-16, 2009!
(Madison, Wisconsin) Animal World USA is pleased to announce that Governor Jim Doyle has officially proclaimed 1st Wisconsin Week for the Animals fromAugust 8-16, 2009. Duringthe extraordinary week, animalshelters, rescue groups, and humane organizations across the state will be hosting wonderful animal-related special events which will be strengthening communities throughout the state. Educators, students, businesses and caring citizens across the state will be joining into celebrate and help animals.
Events will include adoption fairs, low costspay/neuter events, emergency sheltering workshop, R.E.A.D. dog programs in libraries, puppy mill awareness activities, motorcycle ride to benefit the animals, book signings, BINGO for homeless animals, golf outing to help shelter pets, Catapalooza celebration, donation drives, dog washes to benefit shelters and therapy animals visiting hospitals.
Also to be included are a salute to our working K-9 andhandlers, pet first aid, care & safety seminars, educational programs at the zoos andmuseums, blessing for the animals, and full-filled festivals for families to enjoy friendship,food, music on behalf of the always amazing animals and with so much more being planned! Scores of precious lives will be saved and new exciting relationships will be built in Wisconsin communities during the week.
Please note events and activities will be added right up to the kick off of the week. For more info, please call 877-454-0807.See the calendar of events and learn how to become involved on the official website at http://wisconsinanimals.org/