I happen to have a very talented Mom (I know she will blush as she reads this)- but it is true! Anything she has ever picked up to try, she learns quite easily. From porcelain dolls, to wood carvings, to jewelry to paintings, all of her creative adventures have produced beautiful results– I can attest for that as I have so many treasures made with her hands and infused spirit.

My mom- artist extradoridare
My mom’s latest adventure is Pet Portraits through Digital Art Academy. Yesterday we had lunch together and she presented me with this beautiful portrait of my sweet Frankie. As you can imagine, I was so deeply touched- I swear I could reach out and pet the painting- and it has the softest background of pinks and greens that bring out all the sweetness that Frankie is. This type of art is taking a photo and enhancing it with digital painting- making it look almost 3-D.

A while ago she also gifted me with my favorite photo of Frankie (below) and I and I believe this is the same technique (Mom, you will have to correct me if I am wrong).

These paintings surround me in my writing studio (a.k.a MySpace.calm) and they bring so much happiness. I told my mom that someday when I am in a nursing home I hope I have a big enough room to bring all my Frankie memorabilia!
Thank you, Mom for all you have given me not only in the form of art, but in supporting all that I do and loving me with all your heart. I’m so lucky you are my mom!… and Frankie (and Kylie) are so happy to have you as their grand-dogma.