How wonderful to see this little pup, named Nubbins on the red carpet with Jennifer Lopez for the premiere of the movie, “The Back Up Plan.” No doubt this will bring a wonderful positive awareness to all special needs animals. Way to go Nubbins!!
This is a sad day to see this happen, but we can try and make a difference. In short this is what happened:
Supreme Court legalize’s the sale of videos depicting animal cruelty. The case, United States Versus Stevens, challenged a 1999 law that made it illegal to create or sell videos depicting animal cruelty.
To learn more about this decision you can read in detail at Pet News and Views which gives specifics of how this unfolded yesterday.
It truly makes my heart cry to think of any animal facing cruelty. This law makes no sense what-so-ever and will only hurt more animals.
But you can make a stand! I just signed the petition to have my voice heard for the animals that cannot speak. Please take a moment to help the animals by signing the petition at Animal Law Coalition. And please pass it on to all family, friends and colleagues. Thank you so much for helping our furry friends who give us so much in love and deserve the very best.