Every third Tuesday of the month Frankie and I attend a therapy dog meeting at
Sharon S. Richardson Hospice, where we are also volunteers. We get all the dogs together (oh, and the humans too!) where we talk about our experiences, do a little training, ask questions and do visits with the patients.
After doggie Christmas cookies were handed out during our December meeting this past week and some clicker training learned, we were eager to make some visits. LuAnn and Sophie, who is a tiny little Yorkshire Terrier, and the best dressed among the dogs, are a very dedicated team at hospice. They visit twice a week so they get to know some of the patients very well. LuAnn shared with us that a young mom was waiting for us to visit.
Just hearing her say, “young mom” had my heart flutter with sadness. LuAnn introduced each team and the young mom grinned bigger and bigger as each dog pranced up to her bed. She told us that her girls, age 8 & 9 love dogs and were coming to visit her that evening. They were first performing in their Christmas concert, but would be coming for a visit afterward. She asked if we could all wait 15-minutes to surprise her girls.
A half hour went by and still no girls. She felt bad we had to wait. So she began video-taping each of the teams to share with her daughters. I thought, it just isn’t the same, and was hoping with all my might the girls would magically appear soon. And just as the taping began, they walked into the room with their Dad and Grandma!
The smiles on their faces and the excitement in their voices was the best gift ever! It was as if it was Christmas morning and all their gifts were waiting for them as they came into the room. Tails were wagging, girls were squealing, and parents and grandma had gleams of joy in their eyes.
It was a magical time as no sadness filled that room. Only the simplicity of the human-animal connection. The girls went from dog to dog, petting and cooing at each… and I realized that it was if the dogs all represented a reindeer.
Now Karma! now, Stuart! now Sophie and Ruby! On, Kia! On, Miley! on Frankie and Martin! To the young girls! To each give them a kiss! Now love them! Now love them! Love them forever!
One of the girls, Ellie, then recognized Frankie and excitedly said, “This dog has a book about her!” And her sister, Renee, chimed in realizing it also, as the “awww” chorus followed as they bent down to pet Frankie. I thought my heart was going to leap right out of my chest in that moment. I quickly handed Frankie’s leash to LuAnn and whispered, “I’ll be right back.” I couldn’t help but run out to my car, grab a copy of Frankie’s book, and gift one to each of them. They were delighted!
Then, Stuart, a standard poodle, who knows oodles of tricks, became the center of attention, along with Ellie and Renee as they learned how to train a dog. They helped Stuart with stay, sit, come and eventually how to circle around behind each of them. The look of accomplishment in each of their beautiful eyes was priceless.
We each eventually made our way of the room that night, silent in our own thoughts. As I drove home, Frankie perched beside me in her doggie car seat, I felt like Santa Claus with my little reindeer, Frankie, who delivered the best gift of all. Moments of joy and love to a family who is hanging on to each precious moment…because it is all that we have… and all that truly matters.
I asked God to Bless this lovely family and didn’t ask “why” but tried to find peace and acceptance in what I cannot always understand. And I then thanked Him again for all that He has blessed me with.
The names of the girls have been changed to protect their privacy.