The past few weeks have been a bit difficult with two dear animal friends in my life who went to the Rainbow Bridge. It is oh, so hard, to lose our own, but I’ve lost two critter friends that were like family to me. Though my heart breaks for the loss of each of them, I feel so blessed to have had each of them in my life.
So I say goodbye to Sunshine and Kirby. Today I share Sunshine with you and Wednesday, the 26th I will share Kirby.

Sunshine, the handsome, regal, Maine Coon Cat who was one of the most loving cats I have ever known. Early today, while in my mom’s arms, he took his last breath. He was only 7-years old. He was my mom’s cat and the best kitty brother a girl could ever ask for.
For quite a few years every winter for 6-8 weeks Sunshine would stay with me while my mom and her husband were in Florida. He always made himself perfectly at home and I loved that he felt so comfortable with us.
One year he stayed with me a few months after I had lost my cat Dani, so it was so comforting to have a cat hang out with me in my big chair when I read. He and Frankie just loved to snuggle and play together!

(I always loved this photo of the two… as if Frankie is saying, “Mom can we PLEASE keep him? I love him so much!)
Frankie was head over heels in love with Sunshine! And it is because of Sunshine that nine months after Frankie’s IVDD diagnoses, that she begin to try and walk. She so wanted to be wherever Sunshine was, so when not in her wheelchair she started to “hop” like a rabbit to be near him. I attribute her on and off hopping to this day to Sunshine. Thank you so much, Sunshine.
Sunshine was diagnosed with kidney disease a few months ago and my mom thought she would have more time with him yet, as kidney disease can progress slowly. But in a recent exam tough news came that Sunshine had an enlarged heart with a blood clot that could move at any moment. He would be leaving sooner than we anticipated.
I asked if I could please come say goodbye. He was a part of me and my life and I just needed to let him know I loved him one more time.
Saying goodbye to Sunshine with my mom’s dogs, DollyJo (left) and Charley looking on.
My mom said Sunshine was spending most of his time in his bed since his heart disease diagnoses and was not eating much. The day I visited he let me hold him. Then he sat near my chair and I felt as if he knew I was there to say goodbye. I held him one more time and then he decided it was time to head back to his bed.
So as yesterday came towards a close and my mom grappled with making the right choice for Sunshine, he no longer would take food or water. And my mom said as she looked into his eyes she saw he was no longer “here.” She knew it was time. She had a dream that night that Sunshine was with his sister Missy in heaven. As she got to the vet and was waiting in the vet room to have him put to sleep, she was holding him, when he died in her arms.
Though it so hard to say goodbye there is such comfort and peace that came from the signs that appeared to help my mom know it was ok.
We all want to know when it is the “right time” and so often there is no answer to that question even when we look to others for guidance. It is something we must open our hearts to, though we know it will cause great pain… but that pain means we love and we feel joy and are so alive. And for me, I wouldn’t trade any of it… the love, the joy, the pain, and the heart break.
Sunshine was truly a beautiful soul. I wish everyone could have known him. He was one of a kind, and will be greatly missed. But my dear little Maine Coon friend, I feel you in my heart, swishing that magical tail of yours against my heart strings, and I know you will always be with me… and with all those who loved you.
Many blessings to you in your new journey, my friend. I’ll take good care of Mom till we all meet again.
For more information on cardiac problems in Maine Coon cats, which is on the rise, here is an article discussing this disease.