Lunch with a Soldier


I had lunch with my brother Keith today, who will be deployed for Kuwait in February. He won’t be officially in Kuwait right away, but stationed in Mississippi for six weeks before he leaves for the 24 + hour flight to Kuwait.

Now I realize it is hard to tell in this picture, but I am the older one. <GRIN>  We are nine years apart.  It’s so surreal when you realize someone is leaving for overseas and all the memories that come flooding back- flashes of images of him as a little boy have played like a slideshow in my mind the past few days. Remembering also he Christmas he got slippers and he was so excited he yelled, “Lippers!”

For as weepy as I felt last night and this morning, I didn’t cry hugging him goodbye.  Maybe in part because I will see him yet at the official send off ceremony Feb. 4th- but also because I saw my brother, before me, ready for this journey. Sure of wanting to be in the National Guards- sure of wanting to be a soldier- sure of what feels right to him. That has not always been the case, so to see him confident in what he wants is a wonderful thing to see.

Though his mission has changed and it is not quite as “exciting” as he hoped it would be- I am still in awe of him leaving behind the comfort of all he knows to be in a new country- a place of unknown.

When he was nine and I was eighteen we seemed worlds apart…but now with him almost 40 and I almost 49 the space seems closer together. So though we will be worlds apart… our hearts will always be connected.

God Speed little brother. God Speed. I love you.

Anticipation of Lunch with A Soldier

My brother Keith

What is it, I wonder, that has me so weepy?  I was weepy last night and again, I am this morning. It feels like a bittersweet weepy.

Today I am having lunch with a soldier. In anticipation of today I couldn’t get this out of my mind last night, so I sat and wrote this:


Baby boy, 6/22/1972

Nick named Ke Ke

Cute as a bug

Adored by two sister’s

Unexpected boy of his own




A little girl of his own




New Wife

New Family


39 years old

A dream

Boot camp

National Guard

Pending deployment







My Brother, A Soldier

Departure, February


Standing Tall

My heart weeps while swells all at the same time with pride

Be safe… and know you are loved…


This is a time line in my mind of how I see how my brother Keith’s life has unfolded to date.

My brother and I are nine years apart. Because of the age difference, I’ve never really felt all that involved in his life. But I feel we are so much alike. I see his cute little face clearly in my mind as a little boy- and oh, how my sister and I adored that little guy.

My little brother who we adoringly called Ke Ke when he was little

Today I’m having lunch with him before he heads overseas to Kuwait. Yes, the war is officially over, but yet this is a risk. A risk that I think, is why my heart feels so weepy.

But I also know this has been a dream of his… to be in the National Guards. At the age of 38 he went after that dream- went through boot camp with the young ones- and I imagine learned a lot about himself in the process.

How many of us can say we went after our dream– dared to risk it all– to live from our heart?  That is why I am so proud. It’s not always an easy thing to do. It takes courage, no matter what your dream.

So my heart weeps with utter joy and pride, but also a bit of apprehension for the mission ahead of him.

My Favorite Sounds of Today.

Church bells ringing…

Children playing outside during recess…

Birds chirping…

Click, clack, click, clack, click, clack of Kylie’s paws…

Day two of a short walk with Kylie after her knee surgery. Time together deepening our bond and opening my heart to all the simple pleasures of life that make my soul sing.

How complicated we can make life, I think, as all the sweet sounds surrounded me. How I yearn for even more simplicity and more favorite sounds, and less of the hectic, fast-paced world.

And oh, one last favorite sound…

Kylie snoring contently as I ate my lunch.

Oh, how sweet life is.