My Inspirational Bookcase


When I sit at my desk in my writing studio, all I have to do is look to my left for inspiration (and many times I look in front of me to see Frankie snoozing in the wicker chair)— This is what inspires me.

My bookshelf holds all the writing and marketing books I’ve read and often refer to. It also holds a picture of me and Frankie and one of me and Cassie (who passed away 7 years ago). And don’t worry, I have one of Kylie too- that is on my desk.  But I also have a mock up cover of my new book, as well as you will see below that a cartoon picture of Frankie. This is an exciting project I am working on with artist Cassy Tully. We will be sending this template out to all our area schools who wish to participate in our design an outfit for Frankie contest. It is to help encourage reading, writing and the arts. It is open to all third grade students. Our theme is:  Be positive, make a difference, and be creatively you.

It also holds postcards from my favorite writing coach, Cynthia Morris as well as a postcard I adore that I received from my friend, Diane when she traveled to France. She’s also my former life coach and I write about my wonderful experience with coaching with her in my new book—a life changing experience for me.

Near the top I have a card from artist Maria Wulf who is married to author Jon Katz—I got this with a note inside it from Maria when I ordered one of her wonderful potholders she designs. Jon took the photo that is on the card. As you all know by now, I ADORE Jon and Bedlam Farm. So now it is like I have a little piece of Bedlam Farm right in my own little writing studio.

All of these are reminders of what I love, what inspires me, and what brings me joy.

What inspires you? Do you have an area in your home or office that inspire you?  I’d love to hear about it!

The Answer To Life


Before I sit down to work on my new book, Through Frankie’s Eyes: One Woman’s Journey to Her Authentic Self and the Dog on Wheels Who Led the Way, I pour myself a cup of Yogi Tea.  Each tea bag has an attached saying with it, which I love.  Today it said:  Let Your Heart Guide You.

Perfect. I’m beginning the editing section of my book on many of the lessons Frankie has taught me… and one of the biggest lessons she has taught me is to follow my heart. Today’s saying was another sign from the Universe supporting me as I work on my book. Thank you Universe and my heart for always providing the answers to my life.