Helping Our Animal Friends with Reiki Healing

Photo: Flickr Creative Commons

This weekend I’ll be taking my Reiki II training. My Reiki I training I took with Reiki Master, Jay and enjoyed it very much. For Reiki II I will be training with a woman who trained with the founder of Animal Reiki, Kathleen Praasad. While Reiki is Reiki whether you practice on humans or pets, I’m looking forward to more hands on experience with animals— so I chose to train with someone who has had those particular experiences. At this point I’m not sure where this is going to lead me, but I’m staying open to the possibilities!

For our training on Sunday we’ve been asked to bring a photo of a human or pet we’d like to practice sending remote Reiki to. That was such a toss up for me whether to choose Kylie or Frankie – but I decided for this training to practice on Kylie. She is still in recovery mode from her recent knee surgery, so I’d love to help her with that with some Reiki healing.

To learn more about Reiki I invite you to check out this wonderful article from a fellow writing friend of mine, author Ingrid King who is also a Reiki practitioner for pets and humans.  I especially love her success story about Reiki she did for a cat.

Following Inspiration Instead of Fear

Yesterday I finished another complete edit on my manuscript, Through Frankie’s Eyes. As I looked up from my computer, happy to have made it this far, I looked up to see Frankie looking at me. I couldn’t help but get tears in my eyes. She is the inspiration that keeps pushing me forward… even when fear tries to invade my thoughts.

The photo above was taken last January and I couldn’t help but take note of that as well. That is when I began writing my new book. My first adult nonfiction, and I guess you could say it is my memoir. Wow, I thought, a whole year has passed. I said to Frankie, “Hey sweetie, we did it. You helped me write this book. If it wasn’t for you I don’t know if I could have done it.” I got up from my chair and went over and kissed and hugged her. My heart was oozing with gratefulness.

It’s scary to write your story and share you thoughts with the world. I’m a constant work in progress reminding myself to follow my heart, my inspiration, and bull doze past the fear of what others will think or say about the book. I remind myself that those it needs to help, it will. Those that it does not, will never ever even read it. That’s okay. But I do hope it helps others in so many ways… to follow their own hearts, to be open and listen to the messages of our animal world, to step into their own truths, to live with more joy.