Just Start

I’m often asked how to write a book. The simple and short of it is, just start. Sound too simple?  Well, you really don’t need to make it complicated. We tend to do that. At least I did it – and still have to remind myself. At the beginning I would search for ways in which to make my writing easier.  A schedule, certain time of the day, shortcuts, read how other writer’s did it, etc. But having just finished another major edit to my new book Through Frankie’s Eyes I can say without a doubt that the answer to writing a book is unequivocally, just start.

I scheduled one to two hours every other day at the beginning of writing my new book.  I scheduled myself into my appointment book the writing times I would adhere to, which was before I did anything else. This worked for me. As I got into writing my book I found myself going back to it other times during the day – near the end, I couldn’t stop and would write more often.  The process is going to be different for everyone – but just start.  Maybe you only have 15-minutes a day or perhaps 30-minutes.  Maybe you can only write 2 or 3 times a week or just on the weekends – but no matter what – just start.

It was quite the high when I had my manuscript printed out at my local printers and realized I had written a whole book – my first (well, nonfiction that is)!  It was exhilarating!  It is one thing to see your typed words on the computer, but to actually hold the manuscript in your hands is a feeling I’ll long remember.

Just like anything in life we can be our own worst enemy. We think there may be a shortcut or better way to do something so we put things off.  And this morning as I went to print off my grocery list which I thought I had saved after I put it together last night on my computer, I realized I didn’t save it.  Oh man, now I have to start all over again. I hemmed and hawed in my head about it and then reminded myself to just start – and before I know it I will have it done once again.

Make Writing a Happy Habit

I’m a big fan of writing coach, Cynthia Morris and have taken advantage of many of the services she has offered. Being a writer can feel lonely at times as well as sometimes frustrating – or can leave you feeling inadequate – at least these have been my challenges.  Every time I’ve taken a class or read a book or ebook from Cynthia it is a shot of just what I needed to keep going.

I wanted to share with those of you who are writer’s and looking for help in developing a daily habit of writing… a wonderful course with Cynthia. She has an excellent 6-week course that will set you on the right path. And with her kind and honest feedback you will find yourself growing by leaps and bounds.

Information about Make Writing a Happy Habit course:

If you’re tired of struggling to get to your writing projects, Make Writing a Happy Habit is what you’ve been waiting for. This online course goes where other classes don’t: straight to the heart of why you write, so you can build a solid foundation to continue writing even when class is over.

If you are:

  • Full of ideas but lack the discipline to focus, follow through and finish
  • Isolated and yearning for the support of a writing community
  • Lacking the structure and focus you need to stay with your writing projects
  • Unable to make time for writing, always pushing it aside for other demands…

This is the class that will put writing where it belongs: at the heart of your creative life so you can feel great about seeing your brilliant ideas take shape.

Click here for more information and to sign up

Full disclosure:  I am an affliate for Cynthia Morris’ company Original Impulse. Please know that I only recommend products/services of those that I have personally used and completely trust.