Yesterday I stopped at a garage sale on my way to our local Farmer’s Market. I found a lovely little treasure of a bag of vintage flowers for $4. I realized then as I looked around that much of the items for sale seemed from an era gone by.
The two ladies running the garage sale told me they just moved their 90-year old mother to an apartment. Mom was not happy about downsizing as she has always loved to collect things.
When I got home I carefully sorted through the darling little flowers and realized an unexpected surprise. For weeks I had been wanting to add a small bunch of flowers to the front of my basket on my bike, but nothing was the “right” thing when I searched the craft store and my stock of flowers. I realized as I was sorting the flowers that these little vintage flowers matched perfectly with the fabric liner of my basket. I grabbed them and rushed outside, and sure enough… absolutely perfect.
I thought about the dear old woman, sad to part with things that made her so happy. I only wish she could know how these little flowers made my day and how tickled I was to now have them on my basket… …. and no doubt I’ll always smile when looking at them and think of this dear lady.