Frankie Visited Me in My Dreams Last Night

I’ve wanted to dream about Frankie since she’s been gone, but had not until last night.  I happen to believe that when your loved ones come to you in your dreams, that you truly are together– just in another realm that our awake minds can’t seem to comprehend.

I woke up incredibly happy today because Frankie and I were together in my dreams last night. I got to hold her once again.  I also held her in her pink sling, like I often did.  It felt so good to be with her again.  I told her all about National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day, but I suspect she already knew about it.  But she listened intently as she always had when I talked to her when she was here.  I really think she was quite pleased with this day being created in her memory and that I am carrying on her message about how great all dogs in wheelchairs are.  I also think it is why she first visited me now… because she sees that I am strong enough on my own and is happy I am moving forward.

The road ahead for me still has more questions than answers and a friend recently asked me what my next plans are.  I said, “I”m not quite sure.  I will finish my book and release it early next year, but beyond that I’m not exactly sure.”

She said, “That’s okay.  You are marinating.”

I like that.  I am indeed marinating.  Some things have popped into my mind that I think I may like to do in regards to expanding the work Frankie and I did, but I’m not quite ready to share that yet.  I’ll continue to marinate and trust should this be the direction I am to take, I will know in due time.

With Frankie visiting me in my dream last night it brought me more comfort and just another affirmation that she is indeed with me all the time.

I know not everyone believes these things, but I can’t imagine not. It helps me to live in the here and now. It also helps strengthen my faith that we are all indeed together, no matter which side of the thin veil we are on.


The Day Is Here! The Launch of National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day! Join Me in the Celebration!

It is with deep love, gratitude and joy that I announce the launch of

National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day!

This day has been created in memory of the “original” walk ‘n roll dog, my sweet girl, Frankie.  While she is not the first dog to walk in a wheelchair, she is the first to be named, “walk ‘n roll dog.” Because of her tireless work in teaching thousands to be positive, as well as our work together educating others that dogs in wheelchairs can live a long, happy, quality life, it seemed fitting (and quite the honor I might add) to continue Frankie’s legacy by honoring ALL dogs in wheelchairs who truly teach us about perseverance and adversity.

Even though I continue to miss Frankie very much, I have tears of joy pooling in my eyes as I share this announcement with you.  I know Frankie is so proud.  I know she would want us all to celebrate her life and celebrate all dogs in wheelchairs… and most importantly, carry on the positive awareness that just because a dog may lose their mobility, does not mean their lives should end.

National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day will be celebrated every September 22.  Though feel free to celebrate everyday– because that is what life is all about!

So let the celebration begin!  See below how you can be a part of our celebrating team and help less fortunate dogs who need wheelchairs be able to get them by purchasing a limited edition t-shirt and help us to continue to spread positive awareness. Stay tuned for another special announcement in the coming weeks about a photo contest!

Let’s get rolling….!!!

Special Limited Edition National Walk ‘N Roll Dog T-shirts

To kick off the first annual Walk ”N Roll dog day a t-shirt has been designed with Frankie in mind and her thousands of fans who loved her so much. Each limited edition t-shirt has Frankie’s real paw print, photo, and motto on the back to continue to spread her message…and her legacy of love. On the front is the official National Walk ‘N Roll Dog logo, our mission statement, and dated September 22, 2012.

These t-shirts will only be available through September 12, 2012 so ORDER YOURS TODAY.



All proceeds of t-shirts will be donated to Eddie’s Wheels for “The Frankie Fund” to help families in financial need obtain a wheelchair for their dog who may need one and for dogs in rescue that may need a wheelchair to make them more easily adopted out to a family.

Like US on Facebook and Share with Everyone You Know

A special page has been set up on Facebook for National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day. We would love thousands of “likes” to continue the work of Frankie and educate others that dogs in wheelchairs are pretty amazing!  Watch our Facebook page, as well as our website for the announcement of the photo contest, also.

I’ve also set up this page to help when it comes time to acquire the “official” national status and I know Frankie’s fans will help me do just that.  I will apply for the official status in 2013.  I believe with all my heart that we will obtain this status with your help, so I’m following my trust and faith designating this as such because of the national awareness Frankie and I were able to bring to wheelchair dogs from 2007-2012.

So please help by “liking” the page and sharing with everyone you know!

***A very special thank you to Mary Shafer, who designed the National Walk ‘N Roll Dog logo, Kristi Erdmenger who designed the t-shirt, and Caryn Newton of Lantern Glow Designs for help with the National Walk ‘N Roll Dog website.  Each of them were generous in their volunteer efforts as well as keeping costs to a minimum to kick off this special day.  I’m so grateful and thankful!!***



Sixth Graders from Longfellow Summer School Program Share their Sympathy for the Loss of Frankie

I have a huge plastic box of thank you cards I’ve gotten over the years from children after they have met Frankie.  So imagine how touched I was today to receive a big envelope with sympathy notes from a group of sixth graders. They had read Frankie’s books recently and then came to learn of Frankie’s passing.

I am at a loss of words to say what my heart was feeling reading their beautiful words. So I thought I’d just share a few of them with you, so you could also feel the love, too.

Sorry for your loss. You will not be alone. Frankie is in your heart. Frankie is a brave dog you will remember her forever. ~Daniel

Your dog Frankie was a great dog. Cute, hugable and lovable.  She was a dog that cared.  She cared about you, kids and other pets.  She was a dog that could handle big things and had a huge recovery.  ~Big Fan of Frankie, Jack

I’m so sorry for your loss.  But always remember that she is looking down from heaven and saying that “she picked me.”  You are a good person.  Thank you for your sweet books!  ~Love, Jodi

I’m very sorry for your loss.  Just remember that Frankie is always going to be looking over you.  She will never forget you or stop loving you.  I read your book like 100 times.  It’s very inspiring.  I’m your biggest fan. Good luck.  ~Love, Brianna

I am one of Frankie’s biggest fans.  I looked up to her.  She is the “walk ‘n roll dog” of my heart forever.  You are brave to go through this.  This is soooo sad.  I’m both mad and sad but mainly sad.  You are sadder than me.  She was your own dog.  Thank you for writing of her or I would not know of her.  ~Alexandria

Sorry for your loss.  Frankie was really brave and strong when she had her wheelie on. Remember her fans will still love her.  I wish she was still here today.  I miss her.  I hoe you can still live a life without Frankie.  ~Kira