Taking a Blog Break


Hey everyone!  Just wanted to let you know I’ll be taking a break from my blog  for a few days. I’ve had a wonderful response to the special edition of my book.  My sister and I are busy wrapping and shipping the books the next few days!  I hope to be back to blogging later in the week.  Enjoy your week!

“Hobbes Goes Home” and He Needs Your Help

From Kickstarter page:
Hobbes has a story to tell, and as his parents, we wrote this book to make sure it is heard. It is a story of adversity, and hardship – but also, one that ultimately shows kindness, compassion and love can ultimately prevail over anything. It is Hobbes story, and, it is our story..It’s not something we “wrote” – it’s something we’ve lived, and are living.

It’s the story of “Hobbes Goes Home.”

I just recently learned about Hobbes and had to share his story and his effort (along with his special parents Bruce and Tami Zeman) and getting his story out into the world. I have no doubt they are going to make a difference, but they need a little help.  So please take a moment to watch their video– and if you can spare a few bucks, I think it will be money well spent.

No human or animal should ever have to suffer like Hobbes did. But taking that tragedy and turning it around to help others is so inspiring! I dare you to watch the video and not fall in love with Hobbes. … and his special mission.

hobbes on radio

Living with and Caring for a Dog with IVDD and Kids

 Video made about Sophie by Abby’s friend Jo

Awhile back I shared with you a new friend I made whose dog, Sophie, has IVDD and is in a dog wheelchair. Abby’s love runs deep for her special wheelie dog. As you can imagine, we easily connected because of our love of our weenie’s on wheels.

I admire Abby for her devotion in starting a blog, just as I did years ago, to get the positive word out about dogs with IVDD to help save lives. What I admire even more about Abby is that she cares for Sophie along with two young children. I can imagine on many days she has her hands quite full. But the lessons she is instilling in her children with a dog in a wheelchair, I think,  are priceless.

So I wanted to share the beautiful video a friend of Abby’s did of pictures of Sophie. I love that it is done in black and white. I also couldn’t help think of Frankie watching the video and how she will always be in my heart… as well in all of your heart’s too.

You can also find Abby’s sweet Sophie on Facebook to follow along.

PS:  Stay tuned as I’ve been working on a special video the past weeks of Frankie that I’ll release soon. I hope you will watch and join me in walking down memory lane with her.