Kathy’s dog, Max even thought he should perhaps read ” Through Frankie’s Eyes”
If someone would have told me years ago that being vulnerable is actually a beautiful thing, and not a weakness, I think I would have saved myself a lot of heartache.
This week on my Joyful Paws Jaunt blog tour Kathy Pooler hosts me on her memoir blog. Kathy is such a kind and open soul. She cares deeply about helping others write their memoir’s as well as encouraging others to share their story. We talked in early February about what might be best for a guest post for me to write for her blog. Being scared to write ones story came up for me as I was soon launching my new book. It was also relevant to Kathy as she is working on her memoir as well.
Vulnerability really struck a chord with each of us, as well as we believe for others, so the subject seemed a good one to write about. So I invite you to click on over to Kathy’s blog and check out my guest post. Please do leave a comment and you will have a chance to win a copy of “Though Frankie’s Eyes.” Even if you have purchased a copy, still do leave a comment and if you win, giving my book might be a great gift for a friend.
There really seems to be much talk about vulnerability lately with Dr. Brene Brown sitting down recently to talk with Oprah about her book Daring Greatly after researching and studying vulnerability and shame for the past twelve years. If more of us embrace vulnerability and leave shame behind, imagine the possibilities!
**If you have read my book and would like to have your dog featured on my special board on Pinterest, please do email me (barb (at) joyfulpaws (dot) com) your dogs photo posing with my book!**