(Today was a busy blogging day for me, so if you subscribe via google or another reader, just wanted to give you a heads up that you may have to scroll down to see all three posts.)

Six months old
As I’ve mentioned in a few previous posts, as well as in my last newsletter, I will be devoting two blog posts a month to the big countdown to my 50th birthday which is July 18th (watch for posts on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month). So what does that have to do with Joyful Paws you might ask? Well, according to my mom I was a happy little girl. I’ve also always loved animals, so as I approach this milestone in my life and reflect back, I realize I’ve been Joyful Paws all along… with a few forks in the road, but always finding my way back to what brings me joy!
Just like bringing a positive message to others through my blog and my books and sharing all the positive about dogs in wheelchairs, dogs with IVDD, and the amazing lessons our pets teach us, I also want to share the good things about turning 50 (as well as a few humorous things). I think too often, or at least what I hear from others, they dread turning 50 or perhaps 40. The other day someone I know that recently turned 50 told me she couldn’t find one good thing about it. She was having a hard time with it. It honestly made me really sad.
Maybe it’s because it is setting in that yes, realistically half our life could be over. I can understand that thought process. But the reason I’m embracing it is because I finally feel comfortable in my own skin (for the most part– still have my moments!). I think about the things I used to worry about and those are long gone. No more drama. Living more simply and enjoying the simple moments and joys of life– getting this thing called life– to me, that feels really good.
So a little walk down memory lane…

Two years old

Goofying off with my mom’s wig and glasses

Oh how I loved this stuffed octopus I got for Christmas one year!
Ready for school!

I believe this is my freshman picture. Nice wings!

Graduation picture. I wouldn’t smile because I had braces.

Got married at the age of 21. Still my sweetheart!

John and I with our first niece, Krysta. And yes, big hair was in! All the time I used to spend doing my hair! Geesh!

Almost 50!
I got the idea about blogging about my countdown to 50 from my kindred spirit on line friend Lisa Taron, who started a blog devoted to the fact she is also turning 50 in August, so I invite you to check her blog out also.
Reminder: Now through Monday, March 25th I’m giving two copies of Through Frankie’s Eyes away through Goodreads!