Joie’s First School Visit a Success!

Joie in tshirt 1200Joie and I are back home after our visit to Trinity Lutheran School! She did very well and as you can imagine, she was a big hit. The gymnasium was lined with posters of “Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog”  and posters announcing “meet the author, May 10th” which were done by the older students.

At the end of the presentation, Mrs. K presented Joie with a gift from the students.  And what you see Joie wearing in the photo is the very special and sweet gift.  It is Trinity Lutheran School’s t-shirt and all the kids signed it!  It is so precious and yes, I got tears in my eyes when I opened the gift.

tshirt collageThank you to all the students and teachers, and principal Greg and Mrs. K for such a warm and kind welcome.  As I told the students, they were the test school and if Joie did well I’d be open to visiting more schools in the future with Joie. They seemed pretty excited to be the school who started a new “walk ‘n roll dog” rolling into a new adventure.

I hope to share a few more pictures from the morning that another teacher  took and will be sending me. It is tricky when kids are involved as you have to have permission to share their photos, so will see what I can share.  But the morning was a success and my heart smiles.

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Be Kind to Animals Week May 5-11

IMG_1459[1] 1200 be kind to animals weekTomorrow is the big day!  Joie’s first school debut. I’ve updated my presentation and integrated Joie into the lessons I taught with Frankie. I’ve practiced, practiced and practiced… while, err, um… you know who sleeps in her little pink bed!

What a great way to celebrate Be Kind to Animals week though with Joie and I going to school.  I’ll be sure to report back how it all goes.

No matter if animals walk on all four paws or not, they all deserve love. Hug your little ones extra tight today… and well, everyday!


The Honoring of Each Other in Marriage.

IMG_1512[1]We have had some work going on in our home since mid February.  Hardwood floors that John installed in our living room and bedroom, plus existing kitchen hardwood floor was re-sanded and re-sealed to match new flooring.

With this came the tile floor now not butting up to the new floor in the bathroom and laundry room. John decided since the floor in the bathroom needed to be re-done we might as well fix the toilet that has been leaking, as well as a new tub/shower module as the drain didn’t drain correctly for a long time.  This then led to the master closet needing new drywall when the tub/shower was installed as a section of wall had to be cut out to make it fit.

Years ago we pulled up the carpeting in the living room and bedroom as they were a pain to clean with animals – and one with no control, as you know, can make accident’s more likely. The economy took a dive around the same time. For years I lived with painted sub-floor. I honestly didn’t mind. They looked rather like an old cottage to me, and besides there were other things that were just more important to me.

Our remodeling project leading to more and more just about sent me over the edge at one point. Here I am, all about simplicity and all this stuff is going on in my house. Besides the fact I tend to like things somewhat in their place, so living in disarray pretty much since February makes me feel out of balance. Sigh.

We are in the drywalling stage now of the bathroom and closet, as well as little odd areas that as John says, “”might as well be fixed since we are doing this.” The closet organizer goes in this weekend (whew) so most things can be put back in place.

So here’s the thing. When I hit my breaking point with all of this, which was a few weeks ago, I just couldn’t understand why John wanted this all done. I was perfectly happy with the way things were. I could live with what was.  I got upset with him and the tension was a bit tight between us one Saturday evening.  And then he shared with me why he was doing this.

He is a planner. A thinker. A provider. He is also a general contractor who is very persnickety when doing work on other homes. He started to think about someday if he dies before me. He didn’t want the house to be as it is. He wants for me to have a nice home or if I move to get top dollar for our home. He also wants to be able to rent it out, if that is what we choose, should we want to build a tiny house when we retire. He was thinking of me. He was thinking of us. Of our future.

Well, let me tell you, when he told me this, my heart melted big time. Our living room was still empty as the floor was just completed.  I said, “Come on, we are going to slow dance in the living room.”

I grabbed my ipad, found the youtube video of one of our all time favorite songs, “Two Sparrows in a Hurricane” and we held each other tight, and we danced.

This is the yin and yang of marriage, understanding each other’s needs, and honoring those needs. I also know that I am a lucky lady to have a guy I can openly communicate with, even if it takes some prying to get things out of John, we always eventually talk things through.

And as my mom always says, and I try to stay in balance through the remaining time of these projects, “This too shall pass.”